Campion Knights Nostalgia Guestbook Archive 2005
January - July
Prior Messages
Tue Jul 12 06:19:29 2005 [Joe Williamson 1972]: To Robert Bruchs - thank you for passing along my picture with George Wendt to your brother Jim. I just ask that you don't try to capitalize on my image by selling the picture on E-Bay. Also, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your class ring a while back. I gave mine to a former girlfriend who is now deceased. Oh well, I'm sure it wouldn't fit anymore. Maybe on my pinky.
Mon Jul 11 16:31:48 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Hi Robert, Nothing came of the Hunt for Rings project. I think,
How do you want to proceed. Should we set up a link and guestbook for people to describe their lost or found ring? I figure we can link it in
on the Campion Ring link.
Fri Jul 8 19:50:44 2005 [Chris Haschka 1972]: Tom Olson, Thank you for all the effort to keep us connected. I have kept in touch with many of the 1972 vintage over the years. I also see Fred Gates regularly. He & I live relatively close. Mr. Gates is amazing, he is still helping Campion students. If anyone would care to chat I'm in Minneapolis at 952-513-1601 or if anyone needs contact on my brothers: Dave,S.J. 1961, Jonathan,S.J.,1963, Mark 1964, or Joe 1970 feel free to call.
Fri Jul 8 14:08:03 2005 [Robert Bruchs 1973]: BTW, very cool that George Wendt was able to attend the golf tour. To Joe Williamson, I sent the photo off to your old roomate, my bro, Jim.
Fri Jul 8 14:05:15 2005 [Robert Bruchs 1973]: Thomas, I read something about a Lost & Found ring project, where is it. I lost my ring throwing snowballs at Southeastern Massachusetts University in North Dartmouth, MA sometime around 1976-77.
Mon Jul 4 13:42:06 2005 [Paul McCullough 1970]: So Keith, according to Yahoo News, the NYT, WINS radio, NJ Star Ledger and the Bergen Record, an estimated 3 million people are expected to be visiting Chris Lamal's and your back yard in Chelsea tonight to view the fireworks tonight. Goodness, I hope there are enough parking spaces, bottled water, and necessaries. I'm sure you've looked outside, the weather is somewhat favorable as well - I think they will meet/surpass thier expectations. You know, these belly bumpers can be a little daunting sometimes, but with a little effort you can really network a room like this. Just don't squooshed. Hope you and your family get a good view of the show. Happy Fourth of July.
Tue Jun 28 08:48:55 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: David Marcou of La Crosse just published a book SPIRIT OF WISCONSIN with
essays and photos about Wisconsin.Dave graduated from Aquinas HS in 1968 1 year ahead of myself.Dave had most of the former Governors of Wisconsin
contributed to the book including former Governor Patrick Lucey a Campion grad.I know Pearl Book Store in La Crosse will selling the book.The La Crosse public library will have the book including archives.It one can
e-mail maybe they can scanned the essay to you people.I had meet Governor Lucey on several occasions.Thanks
Sat Jun 18 04:06:55 2005 [Jim Hartigan 1971]: To this day , it amazes me how such seemingly unconnected or obscure going-ons in this world take me back to those days years ago in Praire du Chien. The mere sound of a shrill train whistle seems to do it every time. Thanks Tom for your tireless work.
Sat Jun 11 08:27:07 2005 [Pat Mower 64]: Ok guys, I didn't post this becaue I am lazy, or too busy, or something like that! Had a GREAT time down at Tom's Anyone who missed the "all class" missed a great chance to get together. Don't you guys remember what happens when two campion men (and I use the word loosely) join together for some No BS Stories?
Sat Jun 4 14:14:53 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Anybody interested in a West Coast Campion Alumni Reunion? Anybody
interested in a combined Campion/MLPS Alumni Reunion? Send me your
thoughts. We currently have a pretty good list of people from our
SoCAL BBQ events. We think there might be interest in a larger
encompassing reunion somewhere along the western states. We had been
thinking "The Meadows" aka Las Vegas. (especially in mid August, just
kidding;o) because of good flight fares and connections from everywhere. But it is all up in the air. Some would like to be in the cooler mountains somewhere.
Sat Jun 4 14:04:15 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Hey Jim B: First priority is your sons graduation! Did you get the list
your wanted. Would be cool to do both the graduation and some of the
Fri Jun 3 09:35:12 2005 [Jim Brinkman 1974]: Note to Matt Micka - pleas resend the information to me regarding the upcoming reunion. Iam especially interested in who from the class of 74' have indicated their plans to attend. My 2nd son is graduating High School that weekend and I'm struggling with what my priorities should be!
Tue May 31 16:49:45 2005 [J Chris Chinn '62]: Very excellent article by Greg Lucey, S.J. on Campion. However, if you go to the web site for Spring Hill College and read the "President's Biography", there is no mention of Campion. Why would so many significant years in his life disappear?
Mon May 30 19:59:00 2005 [Keith Rothschild 1957]: Here's an update on the previous posting.
You can view both articles on their website:
When you get to the website, click on News and Publications, then click on the Jesuit Journeys Spring/Summer graphic. In the education box, click on the words "And a heart-felt retrospective on Campion High" for that story. Some, but not all, of the pictures in the magazine are on the website. For Jim's story, click in the Missions box on the words "Our missionary spirit. . ." You'll see a picture of Fr. Jim.
Mon May 30 17:13:47 2005 [keith Rothschild 57]: The Spring/Summer issue of Jesuit Journeys (the 50th Anniversary issue of the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus) has a four-page article by Fr. Greg Lucey on Campion and its closing. It contains a number of pictures. It also has an article by Fr. Jim Strzok '57 and his work in Africa.
Sat May 28 03:36:25 2005 [Bill Droessler 1969]: Hello,
My parents were given an old brass Bausch & Lomb microsope from Fr Scotts lab and asked me to post same for sale if anyone is interested. It comes with a wooden storage box and a couple of lens attachments. I can be reached via email at or phone (608)838-6126.
Thu May 12 14:10:08 2005 [Kevin Kluesner 1976]: John Duffy, Jim Flood, Mike Jage and I are going to attend the Chicago reunion in a couple of weeks. We're all from the class that lost its senior year at Campion. We are hoping as many guys from the 1976 class as possible can make it to the reunion. Like Sean, we'd love to hear from others who plan to attend. Thanks, Kevin
Tue May 10 23:56:41 2005 [Sean Strub 1976]: I've had a fascinating couple of hours reading the various posts on this site and refreshing my memories of days at Campion, some pleasant, some less so. I'm interested in hearing from others from the classes of 75 and 76, especially anyone planning on attending the June 10 reunion in Chicago. Peace.
Mon Apr 25 17:13:34 2005 [Paul McCullough 1970]: Clem Massey's three year stewardship of Campion b-ball produced sweet results. In 66-67 (his first year), the team made it to the regionals, beating archrival Aquinas by one point, and then on to the state tournament for the first time in eight years (lost to Marquette, 63 to 53). I can remember the big send-off the team was given that year. In 67-68, the team, with its 15 - 5 record including a rare 90+ point game (six players scored double figures) and victory against Newman, made it to the regionals only to succumb to Aquinas, losing a lead in the third quarter, 71 to 60. In 68-69, with a 14 - 6 record, they made it to regionals again, beating Aquinas but losing to Regis 52 to 74. Tom, I hope Mr. Massey has a great time at your May 7 barbeque.
Mon Apr 25 09:39:03 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: OK, you guys interested in Basketball, Aquinas, Regis, we got some pages from Paul from the 67-69 yearbooks. These are the pivotal years when Campion started becoming a great basketball team again. See the pages under the links to the Coach Massey Years.
Thu Apr 7 20:57:57 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: The date of the BBQ has been set for Saturday, May 7!
Sun Apr 3 14:45:22 2005 [keough '65]: To Ray Hackett / Brother Jim ('58) is alive & well & retired & still living around the Cocoa Beach area. We don't stay in very close contact but I'll drop him a line about your question.
Fri Apr 1 20:07:10 2005 [THomas Olson 1972]: I'm ready to do another BBQ at my place in early May or sooner.
For out of towners, I have room to camp out. There are motels
within 10-15 miles so let me know if you are interested and what
dates you have available near early May or sooner.
Tue Mar 29 03:24:58 2005 [michael Uhrich 1962]:
I had a nice visit with Geroge Blaha after the Caves/Detroit game last week. I was wondering if there are any 62 grads in the cleveland area.
Thu Mar 17 07:43:42 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Thomas Olson:The La Crosse Diocesan newspaper THE CATHOLIC TIMES-March 17,2005 has an article about Fr. Halloran SJ and his connection with Campion HS.It was based on an article from Catholic News Services.If you e-mail the La Crosse Diocese,they might e-mail the article to you.I hope this is helpful.There was a delay with the article being published because in the March 10,2005 issue of the CATHOLIC TIMES,there was coverage of Bishop Listecki,our new bishop.I hope this helpful and I am going to fade from the scene for a while.Thank you.
Mon Mar 14 10:14:44 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Thomas Olson:Many thanks.I went directly to 1943 and found my dad's photo.Again I hope you are well.
Mon Mar 14 10:01:31 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: You can also just go to the Senior Pics link on the main page and then
go directly to the directory for the year. Most years are covered. The one
that are not are obvious with that approach. Let me know if you do find
his picture. Hopefully I don't have a typo.
Mon Mar 14 09:33:18 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: I tried out the senior picture search;it turn out well but only my uncle
Dr. Charles Dungar came through.John Grelle of 1962 Campion was an very good friend of my dad-they were business associates.His wife Margaret teaches at Aquinas Middle School and their 2 sons graduated from Aquinas High School.John's brother was a Roman Catholic priest.David Krieg 1949-Campion HS has a daughter Kelly Krieg-Sigman who is our director of the La Crosse public library.Kelly grew up in Prairie Du Chein.To Joe Williamson:I
hope the information about Dr Joe Havlik was helpful.And I still feel you people should look into a Wisconsin state historical society marker about
Campion in Prairie.I hope ypou people are well.I have been busy at Aquinas HS with the archives/alumnii matters and had a bad head cold.Thanks-
Sun Mar 6 17:35:58 2005 [Keough '65]: We won't need to ask "Where's Waldo?" this time...
Thu Mar 3 12:57:26 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Hi Bob, Yep, I suspect everyone who is making money off the movies and books are getting the publicity initiated everywhere. I have a couple of the obits from St Louis in the In Privatum along with my response back to them. They haven't for the most part made a connection between Fr. Walt and Fr. Bowdern and Campion. And they don't make the connection that some of us admire these guys for being the "good guys" at Campion.
Thu Mar 3 12:06:18 2005 [Bob Voosen 1966]: Just saw the reference to Fr Halloran on the ticker on CNN while watching Steve Fossett's landing. They refered to the exorcism and link to the book/movie. He was 83 according to CNN.
Wed Mar 2 13:53:42 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: We got word this morning that Fr. Walt Halloran '39, S.J. died on March 1.
Wed Mar 2 03:41:16 2005 [Robert Bruchs 1973]: Thomas, I took a look at Judge Silverman's site, and as luck would have it, his court and I are in the same county! I consider that a good thing! His picture indicates that he has retained his hair better than me! I guess if I run afoul of the law, Judge Silverman and I may have our own mini Campion reunion some day!
Mon Feb 28 21:40:37 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Hey Robert, Dave asked me to put his URL up. So it is on the main page as well as under his name in the roster. Even promoted it to the notables list.
Mon Feb 28 19:19:14 2005 [Robert Bruchs 1973]: Not that I have a history of spending a lot of time in court, mind you.
Mon Feb 28 19:16:47 2005 [Robert Bruchs 1973]: Very cool about the Honorable Judge Silverman. I'm wondering what county and which court he presides over. It would be good to know this information now that I'm a Florida resident. Just in case I should have to appear before him some day!
Mon Feb 28 11:13:08 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Wow! Blast from the past. I just got an email from the first kid I met at
Campion, the first day, the first hour! And one of our smartest guys. Judge David Silverman residing in Florida!! Too Cool!! Welcome Judge!
Sun Feb 27 05:25:08 2005 [Dan Lipke '72]: Hello sports fans, in this morning's Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel, a list of Wisconsin's all-time state high school basketball team was listed. It listed greats such as Jim Chones, Fred Brown, Nick Van Exel, Joe Wolf, Tony Bennett, Sam Okey, etc. In this list one Campion star came to light -- Dick Boushka was listed as one of the best of the rest which was the second-tier players. He played 1948-51, scored 806 points, including 462 as a senior. He scored 114 points in four games as a senior in the WISAA tournament.
It should further be noted that the best of the best of coaches was also listed and Coach Don Gosz was also listed as one of the great all-time coaches.
Finally, I am surprised that Joe Williamson -- Class of '72 -- never made this illustrious list as Joe averaged 2.3 points per game during his intramural career at Campion.
Sat Feb 26 07:12:13 2005 [Paul McCullough 1970]: Big shout out to Naples FL Campionites. Your town never looked so pretty this week. Yes, that was me flying the big kites off Doctor's Pass, if I wasn't in the inflatable Sevylor boat. Serious consideration should be given to have a reunion here.
Tue Feb 22 16:12:56 2005 [Michael Poimboeuf aka Fenderman 1976]: Anyone here know how to get in touch with Jeff Snodgrass? He and I used to play the blues in 1975. Last time I saw him was in the late 70s in Madison. I'd be interested in hearing from other Xavier Hall vets of the final year 74-75. I've been out in California for >20 years in the music/film/tv biz doing electronic design.
Tue Feb 22 12:03:33 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Hi Kevin, rambling I guess! Have you ever seen shows like the last Battlestar Galaxia show this week, and/or the LV show whereby they have the ability to zoom into a digital image and find details that are impossible to exist.
There is a technology called jpeg2000 which uses wavelet theory to accomplish the affect. With jpeg2000 essentially the picture file contains
a high resolution image. But it only sends the user the resolution he is
capable of displaying or wanting to spend the bandwidth waiting for the picture. So if one had video cameras with 100,000 x 100,000 pixles (thats a gigabit) and stored the file as such then one could get from a jpeg2000
server an image that is only 320x200 or 640x400 or 1024x1024 or whatever
you want. And you can even request what portion from the image you want
the data from. So with such a source picture one could get the effect of
panning around an image and then zooming in to the best resolution available. But these TV shows want you to think they have inifinte resolutions or their software can pull details out of what amounts to
about 2 pixels from the camera technology currently available to these guys. Now in the case of Battlestar Galaxia you would think ya they
could have super hires cameras in their advanced world. But, the producers
blew it by making the technician take a day to accomplish the analysis. So
that implies they didn't have hires jpeg2000 encoded files. It was magic
software. Oh well.
Sun Feb 20 23:42:27 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Ye ole Ghost of Joe Campion has requested that his more recent co-occupents also have a guestbook. Use the Drop Down Menu to select
Sun Feb 20 18:04:54 2005 [Keough '65]: Paul, just saw additions to BAND guestbook. I'll add something there... Glad to see new comments. This site needs more activity, guys, and especially more from the Mature set. Am I the only '65 guy still alive?
Sun Feb 20 17:59:29 2005 [Keough '65]: Thomas! I've told you to stop smoking that stuff!! (what are you talking about? fabric & mouse holes, etc....)
Paul, my wife is "inhibiting" my purchase of drums. Some bullcrap about "other" bills or something. what a .... Anyhow, I DID purchase an El Cheapo Fender Strat wannabe a couple of weeks ago. It's a kit w/a little 15w amp, the Strat-like guitar, a tuner, strap, cables, picks, etc., everything necessary to plug-n-play (Sorry, Microsoft). Well, it didn't come with talent. Anyhow, the local Community College was offering a "Blues Guitar for Beginners" and I couldn't pass it up. I truly suk at this but I do find it kinda' fun and I will try to stick w/it for a while (the class is over but I'll keep trying...) Also, I will try to convince the wife to allow the drums, too. I really, really, really want to get them.
Sun Feb 20 11:01:16 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Paul, Who knows, I don't think there was anything really telling in their photograph. Taken too far back. And all that cool zooming around the photo that TV series do is only possible with true jpeg2000 photos when shot at infinite resolution. But it is not. Those shows are so silly when it comes to their ability to stop frame, then zoom around the frame, enhance beyond the given pixel resolution, to reveal fine detail in a reflection of a mirror. Heck, I've even seen them
go around a corner after they already been through the mirror. I like that James Caans' Las Vegas show, but some of their video tricks are amusing. The photo in question can be recovered because it left an impression in the virtual fabric of the internet and with the correct sequencing of the electrons and mouse hole theory the image can be pulled back out of a mere spec in the page!!
Wed Feb 16 16:32:24 2005 [Paul McCullough 1970]: Regretfully, the WI Dept. of Corrections has removed the September 2004 aerial photograph of the PDC Correctional Facility (ie, CJHS) from its website, updated 1/27/05. One might suspect, especially if visits to the website are being monitored by WI Corectional officials, that posting such a photograph might be considered a security breech, particularly if viewed by alumni of the school, thus the decision to remove it. They needn't fear me; I won't try to break in. It was a good picture though.
Mon Feb 14 17:44:05 2005 [Keough '65]: ...and I don't want to read any comparisons to that limp, unresponsive, down-pointing phallic symbol.
Mon Feb 14 17:40:55 2005 [Keough '65]: Geez, I'm hoping I CAN'T find pix from our era's rock 'n roll days. we weren't allowed very long hair in 61-65. I sort of had the JFK swoop across the forehead look and along with my "Bob's House of Soviet Eyeware" humongous black plastic glasses, I cut a pretty dashing figure. (Check me out on the '65 yearbook Sr. Pic--a hottie fo' sho'!) Anyhow, my yearbook was ruined in the Guerneville (CA) Flood of '86 but I'll check w/some of my classmates (if they will still talk to me) and see if they might scan some photos in of our bands. Outside of the Rock Star image gained at my appearences at the Checkerboard, I was in the concert (& the ROTC band until Ratsnest kicked me out--he hated my older brother, Jim '58, too)I think my 15 seconds of fame, however, was epitomized by my crouching behind this El-Dorko stage clock turning the "seconds hand" in time to the music of a Prof DeRatsnest concert. I seem to remember that the crank came loose (nut & bolt thingie) and the to-have-been connected seconds hand dangled limply towards the stage floor about 3/4 of the way through the song to which the clock was "dedicated" I can still hear the melody but the name is gone. I believe it became an old game show theme (Beat the Clock?) Anyhow, the 2nd showing was much more succesful as I torqued that fkng nut down to about a zillion foot pounds before the next humiliation and I oh-so-gaily ticked and tocked my little seconds hand back & forth to that snappy rythym.
Mon Feb 14 14:12:42 2005 [John Roll 1970]: I do believe you are correct, Mike...that's the way I remember you, at any rate, although not necessarily in the silly scarf. No doubt you and Mitch were on your way over to Lawler Hall for a beer run. I also do believe that's yours truly strolling preppie-like across the mall with Dan Mesta in the spring pictures. Funny how things come full circle. Within a couple years of that picture I went from preppie to hippie, with shoulder-length hair, army surplus jacket, and bell-bottom jeans. Then, with each passing decade, I lost another inch or two of hair and got more and more conservative with the wardrobe, until now my hair is about the same length as in that picture, and I wear the same type of crew-neck sweater and corduroys as in that picture. Okay, so my hair might not be the same color as in the picture, and the sweater size might have expanded a bit, but you get the idea. I agree that the band pictures were great, but what was Mark Wood doing "wailing out" on vocals? I remember many of his talents, but not that one. Also, Paul has me psyched up to scan some pics for the website. I have some good color shots of the Kostka fire, among other things.
Fri Feb 11 08:31:35 2005 [Michael Doyle 1970]: I do believe that one of the winter pictures has Pete Mitch and me walking down a stairwell. That's me in the silly scarf. Was I ever really that skinny? Thank goodness you really can't see my face. The band pictures are great. Hooray for scruffy!
Thu Feb 10 18:26:00 2005 [Paul McCullough 1970]: The new pics are pretty neat. Brings back old memories. Remember Campion's first (and only) float - red/white with a gold tower (pretty good, maybe could hold its own in a Rose Bowl or Cotton Bowl parade - just my opinion) that was used for the autumn '66 homecoming? How 'bout Paul Neuman stumping for Eugene McCarthy with Campion juniors (apr 68)? And did you know that "Car Bash" went right up to 1974? And of course Campion in color is always cool. Time for people to get out their yearbooks & photo albums (or their mom and dad's, etc) and scan those Campion pics to Tom. I'm thinking about doing a photo file of pics of Campion studs enjoying Ma's. Lotsa pics available for that, from Campion students taking cash behind the counter, seniors enjoying ice cream cones (??), playing air guitar to 'Proud Mary', to watching bombers go by in cars. Suggest you go to Kinko's or equivalent (ie, places with a high quality colot copiers) and lay down your 75 cents per copy amdg. Oh, best aerial of Campion view seems to be in '74 yearbook pp 24-25; could the pilot of this airplane get lower, please?
Tue Feb 8 07:16:40 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Thomas Olson:What about contacting the Wisconsin state historical society about installing a historical marker about Campion?Prairie Du Chein is a historical river town.
Mon Feb 7 07:39:32 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Thomas Olson:Many thanks for the response.The city of La Crosse has installed historical markers about various buldings and Aquinas HS has one.
Also I was asked to track a ghost that is said to be at Aquinas HS.Finally,there is a website called:Find A Grave;it has been useful when I have to track down Aquinas grads-famous and not so famous.Just type in:
find a grave at google and it should come up.Best wishes.
Sun Feb 6 13:14:28 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: As far as keeping Campion alive the Ghost of Joe Campion has been seen
roaming the buildings of the new institution and Hoffman Hall instilling
awe and wonderment!!!
Sun Feb 6 13:13:00 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: I am not aware of any "historical marker" about Campion specifically.
It sometimes is still mentioned in the PdC historical sites. There is
a new pavillion down by the new Mississippi bridge, but I do not know
what they have there. It is more of a nice information center.
Sun Feb 6 12:04:33 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Thomas Olson:Is there any commerative historical marker about Campion in
Prairie Du Chein-state or local?
Thu Feb 3 23:43:53 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Yes, it was and is still a Happy New Year old roomy! Are you coming down finally! What club was that you got to be in when you could polish off and old down a case (24cans) of beer?
Thu Feb 3 14:55:47 2005 [Jeff Paunicka 1972]: Is it too late to say Happy New Year?
Thu Feb 3 14:53:03 2005 [Jeff Paunicka 1972]: Is it too late to say Happy New Year?
Thu Feb 3 07:40:22 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Joe Williamson:My paternal grandmother Marie Dungar was a Mcilhone=Irish Catholic;Marie married a German Lutheran my paternal grandfather Richard Dunger.That is how my family ended up at St. Mary's Parish.When I was last in Appleton my frist cousin Steve Dungar&I went to St.Edward's parish to do some family tree research;that is how I know about the Beansnapper.If you see Fr. Mike O'Rourke,please send my greetings.I keep track what goes on at St. Mary's with its website.
Edward's to do some family tree research so I am aware of the Beansnapper.
Wed Feb 2 18:48:23 2005 [Bill Friedrichs 1969]: Joe Williamson- Anytime I get back to the valley I make sure that I stop at St. Beansnappers to go to confession. Animal Lipke and I plan to be up soon because we are overdue and have a lot to confess!
Wed Feb 2 14:38:17 2005 [Joe Williamson 1972]: Please no more talk about me giving the paddle to anyone. It's just too wierd! Also, I work right around the corner from St. Mary's, in Appleton. My mom and dad were married in that church. It's kind of funny that there are two catholic churches about 1 block away from each other. St. Mary's, where all the Irish people went and St. Joseph's, where all the German people went. If you were another nationality you could choose either one.
I'm also very familiar with St. Edward's in Mackville. That's right across the street from another popular parish; St. Beansnapper's.
Dan Lipke I'm sure is interested in the center for infectious disease as he finally may be able to get some help.
Richard, let me know when you come to Appleton. I'll arm wrestle you for a drink - Campion VS Aquinas!
Wed Feb 2 08:09:48 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Tom Olson&Mike Grosko:Please go to google and typed in:joseph havlik and
you will get information about Dr. Joe Havlik of Georgia and his infectious
disease research and where Joe Havlik can be contacted.Please send my greetings to Dr. Joe Havlik and please tell him I know his parents.I will fading from this website for a while as that I have to go back to Aquinas HS to get some work done.I will be out of town for part of next week.
Tue Feb 1 08:59:37 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Tom Olson&Joe Williamson:I go to Appleton enough to visit my family and know Joe lives in the Fox River Valley also.You might get your chance yet to use the paddle.I grew up in the Alicia Park area in Appleton;my ancestors help established St. Mary's Parish just off of College Avenue and we belonged to St Mary's Parish-Appleton.Also my family help established St Edward's Parish in Mackville-8 miles north.A am related to
the Mcilhones of Outagamie County.Joe-the next time I am in Appleton,you can use the paddle on this Aquinas graduate!!!!Many thanks!
Tue Feb 1 08:44:56 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Richard, as far as whether you get the paddle or not I leave that decision up to Elder Joe Williamson.
Tue Feb 1 08:02:53 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Tom Olson&Mike Grosko:Use ReferenceUSA phone directory:type in Joseph Havlik and scroll to Georgia and will have his addree and phone number-the most recent one that is.I should fade out for a while.Thanks-
Tue Feb 1 07:32:51 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Tom Olson:I am glad the information was of some help.I do know Joe Havlik went to medical school since I keep in contact with his parents.As for Joe Havlik's family I am in the dark;I have enough problems trying to figure out my own family tree.Please let myself know if you guys make connections with Dr. Joe Havlik.Finally I do did to make this pitch since I
was using the Aquinas alumni directory and do volunteer work at Aquinas HS with alumni&archives affairs:You donation to the Aquinas Foundation in La Crosse,Wisconsin would be appreciated.I do have to say that when I do projects for Aquinas HS.Does that mean I am going to get the paddle????
Mon Jan 31 19:01:29 2005 [Mike A. Grosko 1977]: To Tom Olson and Richard Dungar: Joseph Havlik, Class of 1975, was the cousin of my best friend and Sophomore year roommate, Peter J. Larson. The last I knew through Pete, Joe Havlik earned his Masters from Marquette University (Biology?) and then went to work for Abbott Laboratories in North Chicago, Illinois. Admittedly, this information is rather dated, but try calling Abbott Labs and just asking for Mr. Havlik. It is a good company to work for and he may still be there.
To Ray Hackett Class of 1959: So you're saying your cousin, Donald Hackett, Class of 1946, had no children. And the Donald Hackett I knew in grammar school is no relation. Hmmm. Seems a mystery why he alone knew of Campion when we were kids and no one else had even heard of the place. Perhaps your cousin had an unknown identical twin, separated at birth?...
Mon Jan 31 11:46:20 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Richard, thanks for the info on the Havliks. I removed their phone number
and address from your message. We don't want to publish other peoples email addresses, phone numbers, etc in the open to reduce unwanted spam etc. As it turns out, Kevin Havlik and HIS father Dr. Havlik are from
Tama. So maybe they are cousins.
Mon Jan 31 10:22:07 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Tom Olson:I took a look at Kevin Havlik in the 1972 Campion HS yearbook
and he does not look familiar. I skimmed through the AQUINAS HIGH SCHOOL DIRECTORY 2003 about the other Havliks who went to Aquinas HS that Kevin Havlik might be related and came up with nothing.I hope this helps.Sorry about being a pest especially when I shoild fade out for a while.
Mon Jan 31 10:15:15 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: Dr. Joseph Havlik.Joe's wife is the former Thu Thuy Ky-class of 1977-Aquinas High School.
Source:AQUINAS HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI DIRECTORY, 2003. Note: the younger Joe
Havlik is a physicial and does research with infectionous diseases in the Atlanta,Georgia area.No phone nunber.Joe junior and I talk about Campion HS in the past.Okay if you can not get ahold of Joe,jr try his parents:
Joseph A.(class of 1946-Aquinas HS)and his wife.The Havliks phone number and mine are in the phone book.As for Kevin Havlik Joe has 2 brothers Michael&John but no Kevin Havlik.Best wishes &many thanks.
Mon Jan 31 09:32:16 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Richard, Are you in touch with Joe Havlik currently. We would like to get
in touch with him and his brother Kevin Havlik '72.
Mon Jan 31 09:03:23 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: I know I am supposed to fade from here for a while, but I know Joe Havlik
1975-Campion HS.I know Joe's dad Joe Havlik(1946-Aquinas HS grad) and his wife Marian from La Crosse.Thank you-
Sat Jan 29 13:28:19 2005 [Richard Dungar- ]: To Thomas Olson:According to the LA CROSSE TRIBUNE for Saturday November 2, 1968,the foofball game between Aquinas/ Campion took place in Friday November 1, 1968 at Memorial Field in La Crosse>There was no mention of the fistfight and the paper had the score as 20 to 6.I am going to see if I can try to find sports columnist Jim Pickett's column;he wrote a scathing comment about the fistfight and I should fade away for a little while.Thanks.
Sat Jan 29 12:49:10 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: I meant guys not guks.Typing mistake.Thanks.
Sat Jan 29 12:48:03 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Thomas Olson:It would be fair to say,it was a toss up as to who won the
informal boxing match.Also I did talk to one of the teachers at Aquinas and
he heard some of the Campion guks actually held one of the Aquinas basketball players down for the first half releasing the guy only for the 2nd half of the basketball game.At this time I will fade from the scene for a little bit.Thanks.GO BLUEGOLDS GO!!!!!!!!!Thanks-
Sat Jan 29 11:29:57 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Or was 24 to 6 the the ballgame score? In which case who won the
informal boxing match?
Sat Jan 29 11:28:24 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Wow! 24 guys on every 6 guys!!!! No wonder they won! Was there ever a
rematch for sure!
Sat Jan 29 09:11:40 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Thomas Olson-concerning the fist fight that broke out between Aquinas/Campion in the fall of 1968:According to the Aquinas HS yearbook-1969-my senior year,Aquinas beat Campion 24 to 6.Also there was no mention
of the fist fight or even the Aquinas/Campion football game in the AQUINAS
NEWS in the fall of 1968.Sister Julie Ann of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration(FSPA)was the advisor and chances are,Sister Julie Ann probably veto any ideas of including this in the AQUINAS NEWS.I will have to look in the LA CROSSE TRIBUNE.I spent time at Aquinas HS with Founders Day.If I do find the article I will have the Aquinas HS alumni office scan
it to you people.Thanks.
Fri Jan 28 06:36:28 2005 [Matthew Micka 1974]: To think that Mike Grosko, Class of 1977, was steeped in Campion history, while attending Campion in 1975, is very cool and moving. I guess it helped that he had friends whose father's had gone there, and had tales to tell. I was vaguely aware that several of my classmates had father's who'd also gone to Campion, but only now, almost exactly 30 years A.C., am I buying up Campion yearbooks from the 1920s on Ebay, etcetra. I too would appreciate it if you wrote a public screed on the school's final days. You're welcome Mr. Bruchs for Be Gone Satan--your '73 classmates were its stars. I wish I knew what has become of John Seery. Check out my movie Campionknights, since Mr. Olsen has so generously made it available to one and all. It's accessed through In Privatum, which alumnae get access to by contacting Tom, who'll assign them a password once he's confirmed their credentials.
Mon Jan 24 00:19:22 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Well, The Gladys Knights thing is definitely not with the pips. She is the
choir director/conductor of the Saints Unified Voices Choir. They hail from the LV area. It's not "sister act" but still pretty good. The piano
and organ players were pretty good.
Sun Jan 23 16:26:02 2005 [Keough '65]: Mr. McCullough. Sold my beloved 4x4 truck the other day. Major cash goes to fixing up the homestead (hoping to get the hell outa Dodge (well, Las Vegas) in 2 yrs or so.) w/any remaining $$$ going to Yamaha DtXtreme IIS electronic drums. If I can get over nerve damage in my shoulder (hockey game while living in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in '86) and get my left wrist & hand back to some speed (& to stop DROPPING everything!!) I'm hoping to get back into garage-band playing. Woulda' put this in Band site but there's been no activity there in many moons...
Sun Jan 23 16:12:07 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: As of 11:00AM this morning the Satan Servers are off line while I
renovate the facilities where they reside. I didn't see any activity in
a while and figured it wouldn't be missed. Probably have it back up
Monday. I'd have it back up to night but I am headed off with the neighbors to see Gladys Knights and I presume the pips at one of the local Morman churches.
Sun Jan 23 09:51:39 2005 [Robert Bruchs 1973]: The last post was mine! Sorry, I neglected to sign it!
Sun Jan 23 09:50:39 2005 [ ]: I just downloaded and watched Matt Micka's 'Begone Satan'. It is excellent! For those of you who endured many hours of torture under the guidance of Dan (Fuzzy) Fullerton, I think you'll love it. Thank you Mr. Micka (and Mr. Olson) for bring back the fond memories of study hall and Campion.
Sat Jan 22 20:22:34 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Great Idea Paul! We want people to write memoirs in the roster area. However,
when they are entire chapters I prefer people to write it using their
favorite wordprocessor and then exporting to HTML and sending me that
format. Then I can have a clean link to the treatise, article, diatribe,
synopsis, what have you without bogging down the actual guestbooks.
So, Mike Grosko, please do write up something and send to me. Like Paul
says we will put it up in the In Privatum on the assumption the materials
may not be publicly consumable. And of course this goes to anyone who wants to
put the effort into a masterpiece. It would be nice to get stuff from writers like Hoffman and Finneran too.
Sat Jan 22 18:14:29 2005 [Paul McCullough 1970]: Hello, Mike Grosko. Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed the article. The content of your first posting is fascinating; it really gives detail and enlivens the history of CJHS. You should consider writing up the experience of 'the last five weeks', as you described it, either for this website or for Campion Forever. Suggest you put it in 'In Privatum' if the stuff that went down was really over the top. I'm sure you'll have a captive Campionite audience for any description of that time. There are many alumni who would like to know about the final days of the school, myself included. Best regards.
Fri Jan 21 20:20:11 2005 [Tom Lochner DS 72]: To Richard Dunger: Since your Dad and Uncle are Knights I will take it easy on you. I just had to give Joe Williamson a hard time since legend has it that he enjoyed getting the paddle from Fatner A. Good luck with your health and things at Aquinas. I understand the Catholic Schools in LaCrosse are going through some difficult times. I hope you are able to weather them.
Wed Jan 19 09:42:26 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Tom Olson:I made the recommendation to the Aquinas HS alumni office about putting a small item in the AQUINAS REPORT about your website and of
CAMPION FOREVER website since there was mention about Aquinas/Campion football games.I am going to fade from this website for a while;I am needed to help out with Aquinas's founders day events and also my health has not been good- 2 heart attacks in the past.My thanks for the kind comments about my family.Thanks.
Tue Jan 18 17:59:31 2005 [Mike A. Grosko 1977]: To Fred Nora Class of 1970: I know who Paul McCullogh is both through reading his posts on this site and his contributions to the "Campion Forever" newsletter, but I have never met him in person or corresponded with him. I have to admit that his article about the "free-for-all" on the Chicago-bound Burlington Zephyr in the January, 2005 issue of the newsletter had me literally howling with laughter! In some respects, it reminds me of the last five weeks of the school's final year (after the Fait Accompli announcement of the impending closure) when certain student "activities" were starting to spin out of control.
Tue Jan 18 07:53:44 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: Blue and gold are Aquinas HS colors;hence,the name:Bluegolds.Guys you can used the paddle on myself for using your guestbook.But,can you guys show mercy for one whose dad and uncle went and graduated from Campion HS???
Tue Jan 18 07:32:12 2005 [Luke Gomez 1976]: OK folks, that's me standing in front of the billboard in the picture at My wife took it during one of our many return visits to Campion and the PdC area. As I recall, through the pictures we have, we spent the weekend roaming the campus, hiking the bluff prairies around the Campion Hill area, Wyalusing and Effigy National Mounds. The real question here is: Who spray-painted the billboard? Does anyone have any ideas? Did someone make a bet? Someone must have bragged about it. The photo was taken in August 1985, so the statute of limitations has run its course.
Tue Jan 18 06:16:48 2005 [Fred Nora 1970]: Mike Grosko, if you met and reminisced with Paul McCullough the conversation and trivia revived would be worth a book. Good stuff!
Mon Jan 17 23:44:38 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Mike Grosko, For some reason, I am getting bounced emails to your account.
User unknown and relaying not allowed. Wierd since we exchanges emails ok
earlier. Send me a email when you get a chance.
Mon Jan 17 23:41:35 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Joe, Are you asking who is standing in front of the sign. Or who the
ghost really is. The person standing in front of the sign is not the
one who tagged the sign. But rather someone getting their picture taken.
Mon Jan 17 22:53:48 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Hi Mike, Good to see you popped! Good stuff!
Mon Jan 17 16:22:39 2005 [Mike A. Grosko 1977]: To all fellow Knights: Greetings! A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Campion Knights of all years with best wishes for vigorous health and future prosperity. I stumbled upon this site by accident a little more than two years ago. My name is Mike A. Grosko. I started at Campion as a Freshman in late August of 1973 and was a Sophomore when the school was closed in May 1975. I was there the last two years to witness the sad decline and traumatizing end - WOULD HAVE BEEN a member of the class of 77 if the rug had not been pulled out from under us. It took me up until now to read through all the previous postings of this guestbook. Now I believe the time has come to step forward.
First, let me say a special HELLO to my fellow Class of 1977 members who visited this forum in the past and who, I hope, will drop by again in the future: Bob Gerth, David Artis, Joe Dziwura, Francis Acosta and Cary Gillia.
I first learned of Campion back in second or third grade when my grammar school friends and I were talking about where our older brothers were attending high school and where we wanted to go. One of my classmates named Donald Hackett said he wanted to go to “camping.” We responded “What?…you want to go camping for high school?” “NO! Campeeeiiinnng!” he declared. Well, he must have had a speech impediment because I never did understand what he meant to say. It turns out he was probably the son of Donald Hackett, class of 1947, because he looked just like his dad’s senior picture. When I enrolled, though, Mr. Hackett was not among my classmates.
When I arrived, thanks to a Blessed Edmund Campion merit Scholarship, it didn’t take long for me to become immersed in all the (what was for me at the time) fascinating and even astounding history of the school, from its college beginnings right up through recent history. My roommate Freshman year was Mike Knierim, son of Bill Knierim, class of 1950. Bill Knierim had evidently told Mike endless facts and “war stories” of his days at the school that he, in turn, told me. That includes how the upper classmen would sneak into the 4th floor dormer of Campion Hall after lights out in the winter, grab some poor Freshmen and hang them out the windows by their ankles. A few got dropped, fortunately for them, in a snow bank at ground level. Or how the Jesuits would literally grab and throw those who were disciplinary problems up against the wall and thrash them. A Fr. Schutte S.J. was one Jesuit who was particularly well known for this. Or what it was like to travel to and from school by the Burlington Zephyr passenger train. Mike’s roommate for the first 4 weeks of Freshman year, Peter Schmidt (son of Charles Schmidt, Class of 1946) was just as crammed with old stories as Mike was, but he hated being sent there from the start.
During the second week of class Freshman year, I paid a visit to the music hall to audition as a drummer for the music program and met “Prof” S.S. DeRanitz. He turned out to be a walking encyclopedia of school history because he had been there since the late 1930s. Since things were not busy for a while, he was more than happy to share his limitless school knowledge with anyone willing to sit on his office piano bench and listen to stories pour out. Things such as: that at one time all the Freshman had to wear “beanies” on their heads. Those were like baseball caps without the bill but with a metal “button” on top, in the center of the cap. During class changes, the upperclassmen would take their textbooks and severely whack the “button” on a poor frosh’s head while walking past him in the hallway. Done enough times on an unpopular guy gave him a bloody scalp. Glad that tradition was gone by the time I got there. Or when Mother’s Day weekend came, there would be a long line of limousines lined-up along Campion boulevard from the old Lawler Hall to the Chapel, each with their chauffer in full uniform standing at attention beside the parked limo. This had to have been before and after WWII. Or how Lawka Lodge, the school’s small wooden chalet built near the top of the skiing and toboggan hill east of campus, was most likely torched by some angry or jealous townies in the late 1930s (I once looked for and found its foundation). Or how the marching band was treated to a filet mignon dinner in the dining car of the Burlington Zephyr coming back from Minneapolis after appearing in some big parade and being awarded 1st place among all high school bands that performed. Or how the record 1965 flood covered the Junior Division ball fields, rising all the way up onto Beaumont Road at crest with just enough shallow water that fish started swimming across it toward the newly built Xavier Hall. I learned of some of the famous and accomplished alumnae who preceded me such as Kevin McCarthy (1932) the actor, George Ireland (1932) the distinguished college basketball coach, Paul Kleihege (1953) who was an all-state basketball player (and father of my classmate, Christopher) and some prodigy named Jack “Foley” Horkheimer (1956) who learned to play the organ skillfully in three months, was a National Merit Scholarship finalist and is now the director of the Miami Space Planetarium ( Oh, and mustn’t forget the Coach Hoffman years. Also, through DeRanitz, I met Fr. Edward Hipschen S.J., who was no longer teaching Calculus to Seniors but had much to say about the changes he witnessed at the school over the years.
Then there was my Freshman year Latin instructor Fr. John McNellis S.J., class of 1943, who described what it was like to attend Campion during the war years, and how much more serious many students became after realizing that they were likely to be going off to fight after graduation. He himself was in the Battle of the Bulge and listening to what he experienced of the harrowing conditions and fighting was very sobering. Finally, there was Fr. Benno Kornely, S.J., who kept an advising office at the north end of the 4th floor in Lucey Hall, the wing on which I roomed with Mike Knierim. He had been at Campion since at least 1955 and was very easy to talk to and hear stories from.
In my Sophomore year, my roommate and best buddy was Peter J. Larson, younger brother of John Larson, class of 1972. Through Pete (and John when he came back to visit from M.I.T. accompanied by Andy Barnett) I absorbed a lot of the more recent school history listening to their experiences. When we ate in the cafeteria together they said that the food at that time (1974) was better than they remember. Hard to imagine that.
So, all in all, my Campion education was not just one of showing up and going to class, like any other ordinary high school. I became quickly aware of the school’s distinct history, rich legacy and esteemed alumnae. I devoured it all!
The subject of Campion’s demise had many chapters to it, and each could be expounded upon for hours by all the alumnae and students of the last 10-11, years up to May 1975. Much of what transpired has been expressed by others on this website and in the “Campion Forever” newsletters on another website. I could add some additional information to the record that wasn’t or has yet to be mentioned, as they are still vivid in my memory. I’d be happy to share these recollections with any other alums to get a “Right on!” or “Exactly…that IS what really happened as I recall” reaction, and thereby know that I’m not alone in my thinking all these years.
I traveled back to Campion in the fall of 1977 with another Class of 1977 member John Sarnacki, and met Fr. John Scott still residing in Lawler Hall. The school was yet for sale. He took both of us back to his lecture hall (remember, the one with the chairs fastened to steps going up to the back windows?) and into his storage/equipment room behind it. He was soon to be on his way to Creighton University to teach Physics and a big truck had loaded-up all the items he thought he could find useful in that capacity. He told us to help ourselves to whatever we wished as what was left was going to be trashed soon. I still have the stein with the Irish quotation on it that he gave me.
The next visit after that was by myself in the fall of 1990. The picture had changed considerably with the Lutherans now owning the property, but at least it was still being used as a school. I had a chance to speak with the rector and he said the Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin had closed and sold-off two other schools they owned in the state just so they could consolidate their Lutheran ministry and secondary educational operations at Campion because it was so much a better facility than what they had elsewhere! That’s why I was surprised when they closed and sold it in 1993 (I think). Apparently, in the end, the Lutherans were just as poor as the Catholics. You know the rest of the story of the campus facilities up to now.
For those who wondered, the cupola on top of Campion Hall is now owned by Blair Dillman, a businessman in the Prairie area. He owns The Barn restaurant north of town, the Peavy coal barge loading/unloading facility at the north end of the St. Ferriole island, the original Milwaukee & Mississippi depot that he restored and turned into a local watering hole, the “Cannery” which was a former canning plant and now an antique & craft shop just south of the Brisbois motel, and he was instrumental in moving the Milwaukee Road depot from Blue River, Wisconsin to Marquette, Iowa where it was nicely restored and serves as the Marquette area Chamber of Commerce & Tourist information building. He had the contract to demolish and salvage what he wanted of Campion Hall and that’s how he got the cupola. Last I saw, it was sitting down at the grounds of the former FS plant looking forlorn but intact. 1965 alumnus Kevin Keough’s pictures of it exist elsewhere on this site. Also, he salvaged the huge one-piece slabs of slate used for the roof. Not individual slate shingles but whole pieces of slate quarried in thin sheets and brought onsite during initial construction. (Do you have any idea what the value/cost would be today to get such material?) Do you remember those BIG flower pots on campus? Two were at the entrance to Campion by Xavier Hall and Loyola Hall, and two were at the far east end of Campion boulevard, behind the chapel and by the “grave of Joe Campion.” Dillman has all four of those too. Two of them are situated at the “Cannery” and the other two are now just north of the restored depot by the old, original Dousman House Hotel, which he is also restoring.
To Mike Murray, Class of 1974: Hi Mike, and thanks for letting us know you are well! If you remember, I was a timpanist and you were a pianist in the last concert held in spring of your Senior year. Don’t feel bad about the role you had because you also played by far the most challenging solo of the whole concert. My friends and I were always rooting for you to make it through an entire performance without choking. And even if you did (just a little) the piece was so complex that I’m sure few in the audience even noticed. Thanks for your contribution to my Campion memories.
To Hugh Toner III, Class of 1976: Good to hear from you down in Canton and I hope that my classmate Pat is doing well. The last I knew of him he was working in admissions and recruiting at Vassar. Say “Hello” for me the next time you see or speak to him.
To Mason Holt, Class of 1976: Glad to see you are also doing well in Florida. You sat almost directly next to me in Tom Winiarski’s Algebra I class in 1973-74. Does Tim Jassak still play the trumpet as well as fly? Yes, those were often wistful days as a student.
To Kevin Keough, Class of 1965: In your December 19 message, you asked if anyone made use of “that jeweler in Wisconsin” to have a replacement class ring made. I have. Since I didn’t make it to Junior year, I wasn’t able to buy one officially. But I actually had a Campion class ring with the numerals 19 on one side, 77 on the other, made for me just as if I had ordered it while a student. If you’re interested in knowing more about how to get one made, get in touch with me through Mr. Tom Olson and either provide me your E-mail address or your home phone number and a good time of day to call you and we can discuss it in more detail.
My recollections of the days spent at Campion are still as vivid and even bittersweet as ever. Despite the passage of more than a generation, no one who attended Campion should be surprised that there still exists a deeply felt sense of betrayal at the failure of the school’s leadership.
To all those who were the core of what made Campion, who attended or graduated, may I say that you can be proud of your years spent in formative intellectual training at what was the best secondary school in the state and likely one of the best in the country, if not the entire Midwest. Campion may be gone, but the “One Heart and One Spirit” of Campion lives on in the daily lives of the men who once traipsed its halls and fields as boys.
Well, I started out with the intention to just introduce myself and instead this has turned into quite a treatise of information. Hope all you Knights don’t mind, as I could expound for hours on my (mostly) happy two final years at Campion.
Mon Jan 17 14:38:56 2005 [Joe Williamson 72]: Hey Tom Lochner- I never apologized to Richard but merely stated that I wouldnt jab HIM anymore. I might reconsider after reading his GO Bluegolds Go, however. Come to think of it, what in the hell IS a Bluegold anyway?
Mon Jan 17 11:24:49 2005 [Tom Lochner DS72]: Joe Williamson. I am afraid that I have to put you on report to Mark Peterson for apologizing to and Aquinas Grad. Discipline will be adminstered at the golf outing this summer. Where is Father A's paddle?
Mon Jan 17 11:24:29 2005 [Tom Lochner DS72]: Joe Williamson. I am afraid that I have to put you on report to Mark Peterson for apologizing to and Aquinas Grad. Discipline will be adminstered at the golf outing this summer. Where is Father A's paddle?
Mon Jan 17 08:52:55 2005 [Joe Williamson 72]: Tom - That 'ghost' is either Mike O'Malley or Leo Bertucci. Which one is it?
Mon Jan 17 00:11:58 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Well, a couple weeks have gone by and nobody has stumbled onto the
new background image. The image is the old Campion Billboard which
apparently the "Ghost of Joe Campion" tagged about 15 years ago.
To see it in full color go
Sat Jan 15 10:46:34 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: Many thanks again Joe.Several guys I knew at Aquinas HS had gone to Campion.John Desmond,his brother Mike>Also I think Doug Cameron went to Campion before hhe went to Aquinas HS.Doug and John were in my class of 1969-Aquinas HS;Mike Desmond-71 also at Aquinas.I think there may be more but I can't remember.
Sat Jan 15 10:29:00 2005 [Joe Williamson 72]: Richard - I've gotten to know a few guys from Aquinas class of 72, namely big Billy Mishutah and Mike(I can't remember his last name at the moment but I know he became a cop in La Crosse) Coaty? SP? I played football against those guys and we did a little bit of jawing during the game. All in good fun as they were great guys. We'd even hook up after games.Also, I've gotten to know Paul Verbeten, who was an Aquinas guy who now lives in Neenah, where I do. He has an excellent voice as he leads our choir at St. Margaret Mary's. He's married to the sister of Sammy Servais, former track star at Aquinas. Say hi to those guys for me if you know them and see em'.
Sat Jan 15 09:09:44 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: Joe-Many thanks.One question:has there been any biographies,etc., about Leo Ryan-1943-Campion HS?Also I am wondering about any contacts on a social
basis betwwen Aquinas&Campion.Someone told myself the guys from Campion went up to La Crosse to Aquinas HS's dances,etc.,.It could had been the other way also.I did come across a program from the fall of 1946-Aquinas/Campion football game in the Aquinas HS archives.
Sat Jan 15 09:00:29 2005 [Joe Williamson 72]: Richard - What a great article! Thank you for alerting me about it as I missed it when it came out. I promise no more jabs about Aquinas; at least not to you.
Sat Jan 15 07:44:25 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: Joe-Megan Voissem -article in APPLETON POST CRESCENT-October 20,2004.Megan
was my uncle's granddaughter:her mom Margie Viossem is my first cousin.You should find this on google.Thanks.
Sat Jan 15 07:32:44 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: To Joe Williamson:Thank you for your kind remarks.There was an article about my uncle's granddaughter in the POST CRESCENT=golf-October 2004.As for Aquinas HS,I did enjoy my years there and have volunteer there with the alumni&archives.Joe-be thankful I did go to a catholic school!Again many thanks for your comments.Finally-one more comment:
Fri Jan 14 11:56:46 2005 [Joe Williamson 72]: To Richard Dunger - My father is from Appleton and was a classmate and friend of you uncle. I remember the tragic news about your uncle and his grandaughters on the railroad trestle. From what I remember, it was an unually warm Spring day and your uncle decided to take his grandaughters for a walk on the train trestle. They were out in the middle when a train came and it was too late to get to either side. The water below was a fierce rapids and very cold at that time of year. Your uncle was very prominent in the community and he was mourned by many. I did not know him and only found out that he was a Campion grad when my father told me years later. I'm very happy to hear that his grandaugter is doing well because I did know that she was injured in the accident.
On another note, sorry to hear you had to go to Aquinas.
Fri Jan 14 08:30:08 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: I came across your website by way of CAMPION FOREVER newsletter to see if there was any mention of my dad &uncle.When I saw comments about Aquinas&Campion I decided to respond.Thanks!
Fri Jan 14 07:37:17 2005 [Richard F. Dungar ]: My uncle Dr. Charles F. Dungar fell off a railroad tressel and drowned in Appleton,Wisconsin on Tuesday April 20,1993.The oncoming train badly hurted on of my uncle's granddaughters but has since recovered and is doing well.It was not until November 21,1993 that my uncle's remains were recovered from the Fox River in Appleton.The incident made state&local news.1993 was a bad year for my family in that my kid sister lost her husband in an auto accident leaving my my sister a widow with 2 small children.This happen 3 months after my uncle drowned in Minnesota.
Thu Jan 13 12:04:19 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Richard, What is status of your uncle?
Thu Jan 13 11:33:37 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: Some gentleman from the class of 1943-Campion HS called myself 3-5 years ago thinking that I was my father Richard James Dungar.I had to tell him my father died on Thursday June 8, 1972.I do not know who he was.Many thanks again.
Thu Jan 13 11:27:40 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: Thanks for your response!Aquinas HS and the developement office has some sort of scanner to send information.If I remember correctly Aquinas High School beat Campion...Fr. John Scott had dinner with my parents when we lived in La Crosse.The archives at Aquinas HS is stashed in 2-3 different places and I am trying to get a room set aside for that and alumni.Best wishes and many thanks!
Thu Jan 13 11:19:03 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Richard, Fist Fights! Hmm! Only when Aguinas LOST on their turf!
Kidding a side, I couldn't tell ya first hand. So let's see if we just
started something.
Thanks for the direct link. I had been to the search engines last week and
was flooded with Aguinas links. But didn't get the good one you sent.
Thu Jan 13 10:13:23 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: I am trying to get this right.I just got finished researching information about an Aquinas grad-Aquinas HS hall of
fame this morning.One question-did you people ever had gotten into some fistfights with Aquinas HS?We played you people in the fall of 1968 at Memorial Field in La Crosse.After the game all hell broke lose when a fist fight broke out.Jim Pickett of the Tribune wrote a scathing article about
the fight.And the 2 schools had to apologozed to one another.My dad was upset until I had asked him if he had been involved with some fights with Aquinas when he went to Campion.Dad got very sheepish and said this was the case when dad went to Campion.Also I had visited Campion with my dad!I
got to know some oof members of the Jesuit Community one of them taught science/physics at Aquinas.2-3 Aquinas grads are members of the Jesuit community.Many thanks-One more item try typing:"aquinas schools" on google
and you will come across Aquinas High school&middle school in La Crosse.
Thu Jan 13 08:03:17 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: okay the archives at Aquinas High School are not organized.I do have a story about my dad and Leo Ryan to share.When,Leo Ryan was in the Californiia state Assembly in the 1960s,he
went to Soledad Prison on a fact finding mission by being locked up.When my
dad heard about it,my dad went and got a copy of Johnny Cash's "Folsom
Prison Blues" and sent it to Mr. Ryan as a joke!Mr. Ryan loved it!
Anyway I hope you can make use of the information Aquinas High School has about Campion HS.
Tue Jan 11 11:12:08 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Richard, What is the URL?
Tue Jan 11 10:00:04 2005 [Richard Dungar ]: Hi!Many thanks for your response.I did see my dad's photo-class of 1943.I
do volunteer work at Aquinas HS in archives/alumni and have come across scrapbooks that included newspapers clipping about Aquinas/Campion football
games.You people could list Aquinas High School in La Crosse as one of many
archives concerning sporting events betwwen the 2 schools.I graduated from Aquinas HS in 1969.
Tue Jan 11 09:10:40 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Hi Richard. Good to hear from ya. Your uncle Charles graduated in '47.
The yearbooks for 42, 43 and 44 were not published because of WWII conservation efforts. However the senior class pictures were published as tiny Icons in the 45 yearbook. The copies we have are too hard to read most of the names if you didn't know them. So it is always good to here from somebody who knows the spellings etc. Keep in touch.
Tue Jan 11 08:32:06 2005 [Richard F. Dungar -----------]: My father Richard J. Dungar and my uncle Dr. Charles Dungar graduated from
Campion.I even got a phone call from a high school classmate of my dad-class of 1943.My dad roomed with Leo Ryan.I graduated from Aquinas HS in LaCrosse.
Mon Jan 10 20:20:50 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: the new year brings us a slightly new enhancement in this guestbook. It is no longer necessary to rummage around looking for the class guestbooks. They are easily and quickly accessed from this this guestbook.
Sun Jan 9 09:36:11 2005 [Joe Orrico 71]: Tommy boy! Thanks. Thought you threw away the key.Twelve months is a long time to be in JUG. See you at the golf tour.
Thu Jan 6 12:09:32 2005 [dudek 70]: Greg Bosk, I remember your prowess on the freshman football fields - quick and fast out of the backfield. Also, I think you kicked my ass a couple of times because I didn't give you my lunch money. Does Indiana still have you in lock-up?
Thu Jan 6 11:40:13 2005 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Anybody seen or heard from Joe Orrico. He asked me to get him out of JUG last June. I hadn't realized he was still in JUG until he mentioned it at the Golf Tour. I've heard of learning ones lessons, but holy cow batman, one shouldn't clam up forever.
Thu Jan 6 09:13:55 2005 [Michael Doyle 70]: Hello Greg Bosk. Didn't we also call you Bosko Baily or something like that? As Dr. Nora said, I do check in often. So Greg, where do you live now? My mother moved from Fort Wayne to Indianapolis a few years ago and I've come to realize that I might never visit Fort Wayne again. Kind of a strange thought. I remember the last time I was there I scheduled a couple of hours to give my wife a tour. We finished in about a half hour. It's amazing how small the place felt. Of course, after living in L.A. for 30 years, most places seem small. Are you still a Hoosier, Greg?
Thu Jan 6 05:48:07 2005 [Tom Lochner DS72 ]: Hey joe Williamson I just read the sign when you come into town, not difficult if know how to read. You know how we feel about Iowa so don't go there. Dan Lipke tells me you hung up on him a while ago when he was teasing you about the Pack and Eagles. Say it isn't so Joe. Happy New Year!
Thu Jan 6 05:39:37 2005 [Fred Nora 1970]: Greg Bosk, captain of my soph intramural football team and otherwise fondly remembered! Welcome to the site. Doyle checks in fairly consistently. Cannot say the same for Murray or Cloud and I am embarassed to say I have no recollection of a Richard Fleege in our class. I will blame that on either impending Alzheimers or the clouded awareness that was my modus operandi.
Wed Jan 5 14:50:06 2005 [Joe Williamson 72]: Hey Tommy Lochner, did you count everyone by hand? Quit trying to count people from out of state in Prairie's population!
Wed Jan 5 13:48:05 2005 [Greg Bosk ]: My name is Greg Bosk, from Indiana, nickname was "Igor",I would have been a 1970 grad..left in 69..would like to hear from J Mike Doyle, Rhett Murray..Richard Fleege..Jim Cloud..and anyone that has a few moments to chat about 67/68/69 at Campion..Thankyou
Tue Jan 4 05:51:28 2005 [Tom Lochner DS72]: I was in Prairie in early December and the population exceeded 6,000 in the city limits. That does not include outlying townships as well as Marquette and Mcgregor IA which are considered part of the statistical area.
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