Campion Knights Nostalgia Guestbook Archive 2004
July - December
Prior Messages
Fri Dec 31 10:40:12
2004 [Keough '65]: I got the PdC population loss out of
"". Another site (thanks to Tom Olson) for cities info is
Tue Dec 28 13:07:11 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Can somebody in possession of a 1975 yearbook scan and email me the
Freshman, Sophmore, and Junior class pics with names. We need them to
round out the pics database. TNX.
Tue Dec 28 12:51:19 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Is that population figure based on PdC town limits or inclusive of all
the people in the immediately surrounding area like the bluffs etc. The
area seems to be sprawling quite well, but the statistics doesn't
the sprawling areas, I think! Any DS out there with the real facts.
Mon Dec 27 14:08:37 2004 [Keough '65]:
Today's trivia: PdC has the unfortunate statistic of being ranked 83rd
in the nation of cities w/declining populations (from 2000-2002: -3.1%)
Mon Dec 27 09:48:22 2004 [Keough '65]:
Thanks for info on Gulf Coast, Paul. Hi, John, thank you for keeping it
Mon Dec 27 07:13:28 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
So that's what TMI stands for. Happy holidays to all.
Sun Dec 26 17:07:00 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970 ]:
Thanks, Kevin, for your inciteful comments my longstanding illness. My
wife calls it Tee-Em-Eye, some sort of storage disease of too much
information. Gulf coast is nice; in fact, my introduction to this area
was from Jim O'Keefe '70 who showed all around Galveston, the Bolivar
Pennisula, Port Arthur and other spots. Other nice spots are (TX)
Freeport, Surfside, South Padre Island. I'll leave it to Fred Nora to
describe P'cola and Mobile Bay. Then there's the Ft Myers/Estero/Naples
scene at the other end of the Gulf Coast. Got a mailing from Jim
Sweeney a few weeks ago that the 2005 Campion reunion is going down
April 22 - 25 at the Hyatt in Sarasota. I'm sure there will be beaucoup
to follow about this. Let me know if you need a bassist when you get
your drums.
Sun Dec 26 14:14:59 2004 [Keough '65]: wife & I are planning to move to (probably) the Gulf
Coast in 2 yrs or so: hence the new siding and windows in prep for
selling. I've jokingly told my wife that we have to live near railroad
tracks. ...I'm not sure if I'm joking...
Sun Dec 26 14:11:20 2004 [Keough '65]: Hi,
Paul! Boy, you must be one sick m$%#@#!@*er if you can remember train
schedules from the '60s. But since you brought it up...I always took
the Empire Builder to MSP. Frosh/Soph I'd transfer to the Gopher or the
Badger train to get to Duluth. Last 2 years, I'd hit the MSP airport
and fly Western Airlines to Denver, then Frontier Airlines to PHX where
mommy & daddy would pick me up and bundle me home (Tucson)in the
T-Bird! Actually, the Spring (April '63) my parents moved us from
Duluth to Tucson, my father flew to Duluth in May to pick up his
(stored) prized '60 Mercedes 190SL roadster. He picked me up in PdC the
day of Class of '63 commencement and we drove to Tucson. Fun
of those wonderful father/son memories... On another note, I still have
not sold my 4x4 which will free up cash for new siding (stucco) &
double-paned windows for the house, and, more importantly, my
electronic DRUMS!!! Admittedly, I haven't been very aggressive in
selling my truck...I love it.
Sun Dec 26 12:10:50 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
Kevin, from what Sept 1966 incoming frosh were told (the wreck was
apparently early May 1966), the crash was at the south end of the
campus, ?? by the road just south of Hoffman Field ?? Prairie Street
??. There was some buzz about it during my first month there. Hey,
dunno if you needed the train to get home but do you remember the
departure times of the Burlington Zephyr to Chicago? I sure do. Yeah,
gotta admit I spent some time staring out the window from class in
Campion Hall watching the trains going by and wishing I was on one. I
guess I was some 35 years ahead of my time; before all of this escape
planning stuff surrounding terrorism etc transpired, I could bail out
of CHS on 60 minutes notice. You didn't even need to call a cab. Let's
see, there was the Morning Zephyr 11:03 am (arr. Chicago 2:55 pm) (The
North Coast Limited and Empire Builder stopped at 10:15 am, but only
discharged passengers; later on, it was incorporated into the Morning
Zephyr, ended up with the wolrd's longest passenger train, > 20
cars), the Afternoon Zephyr at 7:18 pm (arr. 11:15 pm), or for
insomniacs the Western Star/Black Hawk at 2:02 am (arr. 7:00) - got you
home just in time for breakfast. Guys bound for the Twins Cities had
trains at 11:28 am, 4:43 pm (North Coast Limited/Empire Builder), 5:05
pm (Afternoon Zephyr, later incorporated into the 4:43 pm train), 8:21
pm, or (for insomniacs 3:31 am). Coming back to school, best ride was
always on the North Coast Limited/Empire Builder. It left at 1:00 pm
from Union Station (you needed a reservation, and it helped if you wore
a coat and tie); you could have a nice big lunch for about $3.00 (i.e.,
the "last" meal) and then, properly sated, you'd step off the train at
PDC at 4:43 pm to be whisked away in time for 'check-up' study at 5:00
pm, and you'd still have you coat and tie on. Merry Christmas and Happy
Feast of The Holy Family.
Sun Dec 26 10:36:31 2004 [Keough '65]:
Looking through the old Campionette covers.....Uh, WHAT train wreck??
Was there a crash on the Burlington lines behind the school? As a
Senior in Marquette Hall, I nearly always left my window open a crack,
regardless of weather, so I could hear the trains rumble by. My room
was 1st floor 2nd room from NW (therefore bluff/tracks view) corner of
building. I still love the sound of trains...
Fred Nora, thanks for response about Redneck Riviera..I'll be phoning
you for a chat shortly after the New Year.
Wed Dec 22 09:38:24 2004 [dudek 70]: Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year guys.
Sun Dec 19 12:17:51 2004 [Keough "65]: Went
over to Yahoo! to check the lovely photo of Chris Lamal... Saw notes on
rings and was wondering if anyone has used that Wisconisn jeweller for
the replacement Knight ring. Or has the original maker received a ring
for a model? I'd like to get one. I gave mine up to a true love in '66
or '67...never to be seen again. (Yeah, both: the ring AND the true
love.) Also, in my mid-workday funk, I meant to sign out of Yahoo! and
ended up leaving the group. I was even prompted w/the "Are you sure..?"
I've requested reinstatement. Also, kind of off subject but hopefully,
not any of you guys live around the Gulf Coast or
the Southern Mississippi River Area? I have an opportunity to transfer
over to either the Biloxi, MS, area or up to Tunica south of Memphis.
(I work for MGM MIrage/Vegas) I have NO idea of what those areas are
like. I've tried websites but they tend to be "MOVE HERE,
IT'S PERFECT ALL YEAR ROUND!!" My wife & I are tired of Vegas and
want a more peaceful, polite lifestyle. Also, she has MS and so medical
facilities and services are of pretty great importance to us. I know
about & can learn, once again, to live with humidity. But quality
of life? Crime? Cost of living/real estate? This is something about a
year or two down the pike, but I'd love to know real-life stories about
those areas...thanks, KRK. Oh, and Happy Holidays & HoliKnights!
Sat Dec 18 10:46:08 2004 [leighty 70]: A
Manhattan actually. And a happy new year!
Sat Dec 18 06:26:26 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Lamal wearing a Baker's hat and pouring a ?martini. This is obviously
the lead-in for a tale of debauchery and disaster if I have ever seen
one. Merry Christmas to all Knights!
Fri Dec 17 09:21:32 2004 [leighty 70]: I
have posted a revealing picture of Chris Lamal on the Campion group
page on Yahoo. (
Mon Dec 13 17:39:44 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
Regarding the 1973 bonfire. It actually took place in the fall of ’72.
Unless my senile mind is playing with me again, I designed that
woodpile! As I remember, it was based upon two telephone poles, planted
about 12 feet apart. The Hiram Walker wood, which seemed to come in
mostly linear sections of 6 to 8 feet, was then stacked to build a
rectangular pile of approximately 8 by 18 feet, enclosing both of the
telephone poles. Once this base had reached a height of 12 feet, work
began on the twin towers. The towers rose evenly, enclosing each
telephone pole in a 6 to 8 foot square shaft until just shy of the top
of the telephone poles. Therefore the twin towers were separated by a 6
to 8 foot space between them. We consciously left some openings at the
base of the pile thinking that oxygen rich air would be sucked in at
the bottom of the pile to feed the flames, much as a chimney. As I
remember, I was disappointed by the fact that the towers initially did
not burn evenly, but after a few minutes, the whole pile was a blazing
inferno. The bonfire of 1973 was the second major pyromaniacal event of
my life, having almost burned the family home to the ground at the age
of seven.
Fri Dec 10 10:18:27 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Can somebody scan and send me that photo from the 73 yearbook. And any
cool bonfire pictures from other years that we don't already have
displayed in the BonFires section. Also, Paul and Tom DS, thanks for
info on where the wood came from. I have added your comments to the
BonFire page.
Fri Dec 10 05:53:59 2004 [Tom Lochner DS 72]:
Thought I would provide some info on the questions of bonfires and
Aquinas. The wood came from Hiram Walker who had a plant in Pairie that
cut oak for its whiskey barrels. Generally the left over slab wood
available for free, if not they burned it on site. Locals called the
burn pile at HW the eternal flame. Aquinas left the CWCC when the
private and public school athletic associations (WISAA and WIAA)merged
a few years ago. They now compete with LaCrosse Central, Logan, Holmen
and others in what is known as the Great Rivers conference. From what
folks in LA tell me everyone still hates them and their biggest rival
is Holmen. It still does not approach Campion rivalry though. My
daughter Kate is a sophomore at Wis Rapids Assumption and my son
graduated from there. They played Aquinas then and didn't like them
either. Seems the Bluegolds were universally detested. Merry Chistmas
to all Knights and as Mark Peterson would say Beat Aquinas!
Thu Dec 9 11:44:00 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
John, the Bergen Catholic/Don Bosco rivalry is pretty much like
Campion/Aquinas, only bigger. That night, they had a tailgaite party at
Giants Stadium parking lot, just like on Sunday afternoons. It gets a
big draw from all of no. NJ. Paul doesn't play. Regarding the PDCI
site, their dress code for visitors brings back memories of our school
dress code (for class, at least): ie, shirt with collar, no jeans or
pants with patch pockets (remember Mr. Shipley walking up and down the
rows in class checking our pants?) Seems, though, Catholic education
has come full circle: Bergen Catholic students have to wear a dress
shirt, necktie, and dress pants, at least during the winter months. Oh,
returning to football, seems that after 1970, Campion homecoming
bonfires got bigger and bigger. In '71 and '72, the piles in the
yearbook appeared huge, and in autumn 1972 (as seen in the 73 Knight)
they had not one, but two very large piles. Wonder who donated the
Thu Dec 9 08:27:09 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Paul, that sounds just slightly more intense than our old Campion/
Aquinas rivalry (and by the way, what did Lacrosse Aquinas do for a
rivalry after Campion's demise? Steven's Point Pacelli?) Does your son
play, Paul, or are both just devoted fans? High school football's big
around here, too, but I never caught the bug...must be a result of a)
having a daughter, not a son (also not a cheerleader), and b) her
attending a high school whose team sucks! Also, Paul, thanks for the
web address for the PDCCI...wish the aerial photo was a little closer
or clearer, but it's still a little chilling nonetheless.
Sat Dec 4 06:41:02 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
Am I dancing. Is high school football just too cool, or what? In front
of 13,000 fans at Giant's Stadium (Rutherford NJ) last night, Bergen
Catholic (my son's school) toppled Don Bosco Prep - #2 2003 USA best
high school football team
(, #1
ranked in the east 2003, #25 rank high school in 2004 by NFL
(, 13 to 10. BC's
been taking it from these guys for about eight years. BC Crusaders are
10 - 2 this season.
Fri Dec 3 15:46:27 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
I don't know why they used the PDCI acronym instead of PDCCI. I use
regardless of their reasoning because it makes more sense to me.
There is a link to it on our front page at the top where we talk about
schools history. Thanks.
Fri Dec 3 10:43:07 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
The Prairie du Chien Correctional Institution (aka PDCI)has its own
website at The home page has a
color aerial photograph of the campus (page is dated September 2004).
Also included are listing of the programs there, links to other WI
correctional facility websites (The "Supermax" in Boscobel is not
listed), information on visiting.
Thu Dec 2 21:26:05 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Thunder storms have been pretty rare here in San Diego area for quite a
few years. It use to rain down here a lot until around 1980 or so. Then
pretty much an ongoing drought. Time for a new cycle. There has been
few lightning/thunder storms over the years. Last August and this last
provided us with some amazingly close lightning and thunder shows. I'm
out on the highland ranges now. This last strike was within a half
second (1100ft/sec) of the house. I haven't found any signs of the hit
but it made an awesome crack at 5:30 in the morning! I had gotten up at
5:00 to secure our umbrellas from the developing high winds. Just
back in the house when the lightning and seemingly instantanous thunder
hit. Cool!
Wed Dec 1 16:55:45 2004 [Michael Doyle 1970]:
Oh by the way, I am very proud, so thank you.
Wed Dec 1 16:54:51 2004 [Michael Doyle 1970]:
Fred, I've been trying to figure out just what dirt you have on me that
Jason doesn't already know. Maybe the time Pete Asmuth and I hitchhiked
to LaCrosse after my 18th birthday so we could drink in the beer bars.
Then trying to hitchhike back to PDC, getting stuck halfway, and
sleeping in an occupied barn (seriously bad smell). Or maybe Midnight
Food Service. How about buying alcohol for half of Xavier Hall with a
terrible fake ID and getting caught. It's all so ironic. He only got
one jug during 4 years at Loyola High and that was for forgetting to
wear a tie one Friday. I engaged in mucho bad behavior at Campion. I
basically got kicked out of the U of Wisconsin after getting arrested
in an anti-Vietnam War demonstration and now I go hang out with all
sorts of people in uniform in Annapolis. I even have gotten into naval
history. I'd love to go to London this summer for the 200th anniversary
of the Battle of Trafalgar. The thought of actually touring the HMS
Victory sends shivers. Anyway, the person who has the worst high school
dirt on me is Pete Asmuth and I never see him here, so I guess I'm
Wed Dec 1 14:29:24 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Michael, you can scarcely imagine how I look forward to teaching your
son the REAL background on his father. In all seriousness though, with
the Academy and Naval Flight School, he is in extraordinarily select
company. I am sure you are, and should be, very proud.
Wed Dec 1 08:16:35 2004 [Michael Doyle 1970]:
Fred, we do get thuderstorms and lightning. What we don't get is snow.
We can always drive a couple of hours and visit the snow, but it
doesn't visit us. I'm also glad this is back up. And Fred, my son,
Jason, will be in Pensacola for a couple of years at flight school.
He's going to be a Naval Flight Officer after he graduates. I already
told him to look you up. Don't know exactly when he'll get there
because there is a backup at flight school.
Wed Dec 1 06:19:16 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
And we're all pleased. I didn't think S. Cal got
thunderstorms/lightning in spite of what Notre Dame encountered last
weekend. Good to have the site back up Tom. P.S. you had a lot of
worried alums on other websites trying to find out if you were OK.
Tue Nov 30 11:03:21 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Wee'rre baaccckkk!
Sun Nov 28 16:38:00 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Contrary to rumor I did not burn my servers. Last Sunday morning we had
a lightning strike which took out my DSL service along with others in
range land. COVAD came out on Tuesday and decided it was a problem with
SBC/PacBells equipment. In the meantime I had to be in Tucson for the
week and they all were suppose to coordinate the fix and have me up by
the weekend. I just got back and they are saying they need to come out
again and check the routers. You know, it doesn't even pay anymore to
pay the extra bucks for business accounts when it comes to getting
service. There was a time I got 4 hours same day, next day worse case
service. Now that everybody under the sun is involved the service is on
the order of 5+days.
THis was the exact same problem we had last August when the last
storm came through.
Fri Nov 19 15:23:04 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Yeah, REO Speedwagon played in the spring of '72. This before they
became famous (obviously!), which isn't to say good. I didn't hear them
but I remember these things. I think Vern Gunderson also brought to
campus Stan Kenton and His Thundering Herd, a very popular big band
(that is popular 25 years earlier!) I "won" tickets to see either the
Ink Spots or the Thundering Heard by building a bridge in physics class
out of balsa wood that held more weight than most others. I didn't go,
but wonder if I might have liked either of those old bands more than I
like REO Speedwagon!
Fri Nov 19 09:16:25 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Actually, anybody got a flier from any of those events. I wouldn't mind
starting a collection area for those flyers.
Fri Nov 19 09:13:56 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
What were some of the big band names brought onto campus. Vern
was always good for bringing in bands like the "Ink Spots". We did have
a concert one year in the old Freshman Gym with a band called "REO
Speedwagon". I forget who, but somebody in our class was buddies, or
related or something. Anybody remember the details!
Tue Nov 16 15:56:18 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Correction. Clem Steele taught me geometry, at which I was no better
than I'd been at algebra.
Tue Nov 16 15:47:21 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
To Mr. Keough, and Campion rock n' rollers, a bit of spooky trivia. You
must be nearly ten years older than me, which means that Buddy Holly
was about ten years older than you. (I cut my teeth--not as a player,
but as a major fan--during the CBGB's punk rock era of the late '70s,
although while I was at Campion I was introduced to the Kinks, who've
remained a lifelong love.) In any case, in recent years I've become
more and more drawn to the music, and the brief life trajectory, of
Buddy Holly. The main reasons being that he was from Lubbock, Texas,
where I lived while attending Catholic gradeschool taught by missionary
Irish nuns, and that Buddy almost singlehandedly spawned the British
Invasion that arrived in America five years after his death. When I was
becoming a big big fan in the late ninties, I lived but a block from
the apartment in Greenwich Village that Buddy had so briefly occupied
with his new bride prior to his demise in the frozen tundra of the
upper midwest, right? And I'd lived unhappily for five years in the
Twin Cities of Minnehaha (as I think of Minnesota), in the early 1990s,
which I very vainly identified with Buddy's crash in Clear Lake, Iowa,
due south of St. Paul. (When I first reintersected with New York City
area Campion-knights from the class of '70 nearly a year ago now, and
related how I conceived of my life trajectory running parallel to
Buddy's, Kevin Leighy dryly observed that our two stories had nothing
to do with each other, which is of course true, but that's what fans
do, right, relate to their cultural heros! (What did I expect from a
very fact-based editor from the New York Times Business Section, that
he'd commiserate with me!?!) But leaving my fandom aside, here's the
bit of trivia. We all know that Buddy flew that night because he
couldn't take another night on the bus, right? Two or three nights
before, one bus had broken down, and Buddy's drummer had to be left
behind in a hospital in Superior, Wisconsin with frost-bitten toes. The
heating system of the replacement bus was every bit as inadequate to
Wisconsin in February. So after playing a gig in Milwaukee, they headed
on the morning of February 2nd, 1959 to their next gig in Clear Lake,
Iowa, over Highway 18 (this according to The Day the Music Died,
written by a staff writer for the Des Moines Register.) And what lies
in-between Milwaukee and Clear Lake on Highway 18 besides Campion and
Prairie du Chien, where they stopped at a mechanics in hopes of getting
the heating repaired. Alas, the Prairie mechanics couldn't make the
heater work any better, so they carried on, but only after the Big
Bopper bought a sleeping bag to crawl into as their journey continued,
and after another guy bought some liquor to warm up everyone's innards,
anyhow, and after Buddy made a call from a pay phone to his lawyers
back in New York, who were attempting to pry money owed to Buddy from
his former manager Norman Petty of Clovis, New Mexico. The lawyers
reported no progress, and Waylon Jennings (who played bass for Buddy)
said that he'd never seen Buddy so livid as when he reboarded that bus
in Prairie du Chien. Buddy would have never been on that nightmare of a
tour had he been promptly paid that money owed to him. This day of
course proved to be Buddy's last day alive. Waylon ended up sleeping in
the sleeping bag on the bus later that night, because he'd given up his
seat on the Cessna to the Big Bopper. So Buddy cruised past Campion on
his rondezvous with destiny. I remember Clem Steel, my algebra teacher
sophomore year and himself a Campion alum, had the lyrics to Don
MacLean's "American Pie" up on his bulletin board, which seemed to me
at the time as rather un-math teacherlike. That song of course being
about the end of Buddy, although I don't think I gleaned that at the
time even when I looked over those lyrics! He must have been a fan, but
I'll bet he didn't know of Buddy's close encounter with Campion (Steele
graduated before Buddy was big.) From what I've gleaned from yearbooks,
Fr. O'Connor was at Campion that day, as doubtlessly were Fr. Scott and
that wacky music teacher.
Tue Nov 16 14:24:17 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
John Seery is the lead. Don Nasbalm the "vindictive" one. Ed Eagan is
the guy who gets "corrected." I guess those are the three "featured"
student parts in Be Gone Satan.
Tue Nov 16 11:12:27 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
No problems with the sound track, and I agree with Tom Olson that it
really fit the "mood" well, right down to the dramatic climax of the
lead character (Egan?) howling to the heavens in despair. And no, Fred,
it says something about my "dork" level that I did not even enjoy
"Clarabelle" in our high school years (may she rest in peace).
Tue Nov 16 03:49:04 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Thanks, John. I take it you had no problem with the soundtrack?
Mon Nov 15 14:37:27 2004 [Keough '65]: I was
(& am) a dork. However, I was the drummer for the "rock" band that
played at all of the "dances" so I met quite a few girls. I was a
drummer in the ROTC and concert bands, also, until Professor DeRatzNest
kicked me out in Fall '64. He hated me (& my wise-ass mouth) almost
as much as he hated my brother (Jim '58). I don't think my brothert got
kicked out, though. Too much talent. My damned brother can play almost
any instrument and play it well. He was a trombonist 1st & 4most.
My dad was a great jazz piano player (not pro but shoulda' been) and he
led my brother into the trombone and me into clarinet. Did a year of
clarinet but I finally threw enough tantrums to let me switch to drums.
By the time I got to Campion I had a truly beautiful set of Ludwigs.
(Sold 'em in '76 for a pittance.) While at Campion I fell in love w/
rock 'n roll and never looked back. My brother still loves Jazz &
Dixieland. He has sat in w/some BIG bands while he was in the Air
Force. Bands would come through for USO shows and already knew to look
him up and have him play. Jeez, if only... My own bands would usually
give me the wrong dates for our shows....b*st*rds!
Mon Nov 15 14:35:19 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
John, are you saying that you did not enjoy the affections of Keough's
"first love" during our Wed. afternoons during soph. and junior years?
I thought our whole class had enjoyed her company although she made it
clear that Keough would always be her favorite. I don't know how he
managed to get her in a church however. The rumor was that she stopped
giving milk during the summer between jr. and sr. year, and was
dispatched to a slaughterhouse by the dairy farmer who owned her
Mon Nov 15 14:26:09 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
John, are you saying that you did not enjoy the affections of Keough's
"first love" during our Wed. afternoons during soph. and junior years?
I thought our whole class had enjoyed her company although she made it
clear that Keough would always be her favorite. I don't know how he
managed to get her in a church however. The rumor was that she stopped
giving milk during the summer between jr. and sr. year, and was
dispatched to a slaughterhouse by the dairy farmer who owned her
Mon Nov 15 12:07:34 2004 [leighty 70]: you
dork, roll
Mon Nov 15 09:35:04 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
And by the way, Mr. Keough, you couldn't have been too "dorky" if you
were getting all that action! I mean, damn, I was at Campion in the
late 60's, the "free love" era, and I barely saw a girl in four years,
let alone "usually on Wed. afternoons"! I know, I know, "that just goes
to show Keough what a true dork is, Roll" (if I didn't say it, I know
Leighty or Wagner would).
Mon Nov 15 09:20:31 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Well, Mr. Keough summed it up well with his "Cecil B. DeMicka"
reference...Bravo, Matthew! Or better yet, Encore! Surely such a
cinematic classic demands a sequel...I mean, if they can keep bringing
Chuckie and Jason et al back from the dead, then surely you can
resurrect Fuzzy and his evil Jesuit cohorts. They may all have a little
less hair, but as long as you can get Fuzzy to take his shirt off again
you'll have your satanic villain. Seriously, I have got to get that on
disk and give a copy to my brother Mike...he was Class of '73 and would
get a kick out of seeing some of his classmates in action. Come to
think of it, he'll probably be pissed he wasn't part of the cast. He,
too, had the hair for it in those days (and most definitely doesn't
have it now)! Once again, Matt, two thumbs up!
Sun Nov 14 17:49:59 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
I got it working on both XP home and XP pro as well as 98ME. I wish I
had a MAC to claim but, I think Matt uses a MAC so hopefully he can
verify the
sound on the MAC as well.
Sun Nov 14 13:42:00 2004 [keough '65]: Tom,
ever notice how close linUX and sUX seem to be?? (Okay, I'm a Windows
user...but by coorporate declaration not by choice! MGM Grand / Mirage
do some cool thangs...but Windows 2K ain't one. I use XP Pro) on my 3
desk boxes and I'm liking that even less.)
Sun Nov 14 11:18:50 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Kevin, you got to get that soundtrack working. There is something about
Matts choice that really sets the mood. I will have to try some Johnny
W and Zeplin later. Haven't heard from George in a while but it would
be a hoot!
Sun Nov 14 11:14:11 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Anybody else having trouble with the soundtrack. I've got it working
both WinAmp and Windows Media Player using the downloaded referenced
DIVX drivers. I even have it working under Linux. The soundtrack is
plain ole
44.1KHz 16 bit stereo.
Sun Nov 14 09:26:04 2004 [Keough '65]: I may
have misspoken (& I'm too lazy to go back to read my own entry.) I
personally never travelled the steam tunnels. I've since learned that
some of my 'mates had done so. I was kinda' dorky (was?) so I wasn't
inlcuded in too much mischief. I did get onto Campion Hall roof once,
why I don't remember...but it was legal. I walked the WI River bridge
thousands of times towards Wyalusing. I had lotsa' sex with one of my
first loves in the basement of little church (Baptist, I seem to
remember.)not too far from Campion. Usually on Wed. afternoons I'd head
across the highway as if going to the Bluffs then head North and hook
up. There were also a few meetings buried in the trees along the tracks
at the very South end of campus. Also, once in the cemetary on the way
to the Bluffs and some furtive fondlings behind the Paladium. But,
alas, no steam tunnels.
Sun Nov 14 06:04:47 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Dear Mr. Keough: Thanks for the nice comments on my film and thanks too
for condolences about my departed dog. And we'll figure out if there's
a problem with the sound, as you experienced. Re: The postcard I saw
Ebay which assigned student names to various windows on the top floor
of Campion Hall--those must have been guys in these outer rooms that
surrounded the cubicle space ("the alley"), right? It's so great the
overt discrimination in favor of the sons of alumni! Ah, the good old
days! If I'm remembering right, there were no classrooms above the
study hall, and it was above the study hall that this huge living space
was. You stepped down into the study hall from the third floor
entrance--so the floor of the study hall (and the ceiling of the
library) was halfway between the second and third floor classrooms. Is
it possible that this living space's floor was halfway between the
third and fourth floors, and was entered via the staircases, or was
access to it from the fourth floor corrider? You mention knowing of
nobody getting into the steam tunnels (the only time I got into them
was to film this by the way), but did anybody ever get up onto the roof
of Campion Hall, or up into that cupola, when they resided in "the pen"
and "the alleys?" I've also seen a photo-postcard of the corrider lined
with sinks. The pen and the alleys and the sinks seem straight out of
19th century "public school" life in England--"public schools" for some
damned reason in England being private prestigious preparatory boarding
schools, right? Did anyone ever see the Lindsay Anderson film from the
late '60s starring a very young Malcolm McDowell, entitled "If...,"
about a fantacy armed revolution at such a school? The look of the
place--cubicles, rows of sinks, seeming like Campion of old. But it's
modern day so the guys have magazine photos stuck up all over the walls
of their cubicles of naked women and African freedom fighters and the
like. That movie must have influenced Be Gone Satan at least a little
bit. (Chris Lamal Class of '70 made that observation when he saw it.)
Sat Nov 13 11:56:45 2004 [Keough '65]: One
last thing...what the hell is Olson doing up at 07:32am on a Saturday??
Sat Nov 13 11:55:13 2004 [Keough '65]: And
to Mr. McCullough...don't know your tastes in music but Aerosmith
released a rock/blues album called "Honkin' on Bobo". give it a
listen... I'm not a big A-Smith fan but this album is hot. And I'm
still gonn'a get new drums. I promise.
Sat Nov 13 11:51:54 2004 [Keough '65]: Just
watched Cecil B. DeMicka's "Be Gone, Satan!" Has George Wendt seen
this?? Where'd'you guys get all the hair?? And the acting skills! Wow!
Beyond words! Especially the glancing and smirking into the camera
while descending the fire escape.
Actually, pretty damned good. Way beyond anything I could have ever
even imagined at that age. Even now my imagination barely includes
anything beyond your basic petting zoo anim....well, never mind.
I was unable to get the music to play so I just cranked up a Blues mix
of early ZZ, Johnny Winter, Taj Mahal, and some Led. Worked just as
well, I would think.
Good job. Funny & nostalgic. I never, ever heard about getting into
the Steam Tunnels, though. My life is obviously still incomplete.
Sat Nov 13 10:02:20 2004 [Keough '65]: Mr.
Micka...I'm so glad to have brightened your day. Sorry about the loss
of your doggie. We have no children but honor our pets (or more
appropriately, the pets who own us) as dearly as we would children. By
the way, I believe that the area of Campion Hall where Freshman
w/alumni were quartered was called "The Alleys". Could be wrong...last
time I was wrong was in '87. Turned out I was right.
Sat Nov 13 07:32:04 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Matt's film is ready to download. The download info is in the In
Privatum so that only Campion alumni/faculty will use the bandwidth. If
anybody else wants it let Matt or myself know and we will see what can
be arranged.
Fri Nov 12 10:18:00 2004 [leighty 70]:
Fri Nov 12 07:48:04 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Dude! It's only been a little over 2 weeks! I thought it would be at
least a month before you'd be coherent enough to check in with us. What
a 2004 you guys are having, starting with the SuperBowl. It's a good
thing the Celtics still suck or you chowds would be insufferable!
Congrats on the Red Sox, though...even in Ohio we thought that was
pretty cool, mainly because you finally punked those #@%$ Yankees! (and
those #&$@ Yankee-lovers, like Leighty)
Fri Nov 12 06:58:08 2004 [Dudek 70]: Hi
guys. I've enjoyed reading the latest entries about some of the
fascinating people that made up Campion during our time. Thanks.
I'm also just now beginning to believe that the Red Sox really did beat
the Yankees and win the World Series in four. It was a great time to be
in Boston and not in NYC - sorry Keith et al. but it was one of the
greatest championship playoff seasons in my lifetime. Fred, I've still
got hopes for the Cubs in this millenium. Later.
Thu Nov 11 18:32:42 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
So Tom has put my 14-minute 16mm b&w film on-line in the In
Privatum. It takes just 10 minutes to download each of the three parts,
the whole film downloads in right around half an hour. Presumably
you'll save each part to your harddrive, and then you too will possess
a great looking copy of this film that 4 of my classmates shelled out a
combined $350 so that they could see themselves again in the full bloom
of youth, long hair and all! The soundtrack, by the way, is the "tone
poem" Til Eulenspeigel's Merry Pranks," composed by Richard "Also
Sprach Zarathustra" Strauss, of 2001 A Space Odyssey fame. (That was
about the extent of my familiarity with the music. I edited the film
silent, in St. Louis, in the summer of '73, went to the public library
to look at records, and noticed that this piece was within five seconds
of the length of my movie. Well, it was definitely a fit, particularly
now in its digital version. When I first designated it as my film's
soundtrack, I just knew that the musical changes seemed to coincide
approximately with the progression of scenes in the film. I'd say that
this was an uncanny piece of luck, except that right after that my
father engineered me out of my senior year at Campion (though I walked
away with a diploma), which has to have been the most traumatic and
damaging thing that ever happened to me. Anyway, having this film
available to Campion alum redresses things a little. Thanks again Tom!
Wed Nov 10 06:35:18 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Oh Tom. Could you send me the link again? Also I think I need to
download again the decompressing softwear (if that's what it was),
which I lost on my computer at work when it got upgraded, Will people
still need to download this softwear as before? I guess they'll need it
Wed Nov 10 06:33:17 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Hi Tom! Thanks for making this offer. People just might dig it!
Tue Nov 9 16:47:26 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
The movie drama Matt Micka produced really is pretty good. We've been
able to compress it 10 to 1 without noticable loss of quality. We split
it into three equal parts but they each are still 30 MEGABYTES BIG.
While my servers don't have trouble with them I am limited on bandwidth
so downloading them in the middle of the night is usually preferable.
Send me an email request and I'll send you a link to the films
Tue Nov 9 13:50:34 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
For me anyway, someone who went to Campion in the early '70s, Mr.
Keough's descriptions of freshman life high up in the Pen of Campion
Hall is totally priceless, and the perfect example of what can make
this inter-generational (is 8, 9, 10 years a generation?) Campion
website a real gift for us all. I, for one, would love to hear more
about living on the top floor of Campion Hall. I've seen two old
photo-postcards for sale on Ebay--both of which I got outbid on,
cheapskate that I often am--one an ancient black and white overview of
the Pen, with pennants, calandars, etc., visible on the walls of the
cubicles, and the second one in color, of Campion Hall from the
outside, but annotated, by whoever had sent it way back in the day,
indicating who lived where on the top floor of Campion Hall, window by
window, name after name. At the very end of my junior year, in May of
‘73, which, blissfully unbeknownst to me then, was to be my last year
at Campion, Fr. Strzok (a Campion alum himself), my photography
teacher, took me up to the roof of Campion Hall so that I could shoot,
with the Jebs’ own Kodak wind-up 16 mm film camera, one of my actors
“on location,” this being a Jeb portraying some demented variation on a
Jeb--the then-scholastic Tom Crettic (sp?)--"scanning the horizon"
(presumably looking for runaway student/inmates) with his telescope,
from within the beautiful cupola that graced the top of Campion Hall.
It was thrilling being up on the roof, but I was steeped enough in the
Campion mystique—I revered Campion Hall especially, which smelled so
wonderfully wooden, especially in winter when the heat was on--that I
knew enough to be thrilled too be briefly in that huge barnlike fifth
floor, via which we accessed the roof, for I was dimly aware that
freshmen had once lived there, although how I couldn’t fathom, en
masse. (The cubicles were no more.) Imagine what a history of the
school could be compiled by our collective memories! My 15 minute long,
black & white, 16mm film, by the way, now exists in digital form,
thanks to the financial contributions of four of the student actors in
the film, all from my class of ’74—Mark Gomez, Joe Miesen, Ed Eagan,
and Mike Murray--and is so synced-up now to its classical music
soundtrack that one might think I’d hired a composer to write a
complete film score. (Which I definitely did not.) A few DVDs are
about—Football Coach and Counselor Dan Fullerton, who was 34 at the
time that he played my evil, rotund, balding “Headmaster,” has finally
seen himself in it now, 31 years after the fact—the completed film was
never shown at Campion because I failed to return the following
year--and pronounced it a masterpiece--or at least his performance.
Chris Lamal and Paul McCullough, both of ’70 and residents of the NYC
area, have seen it too, and were duly amused. Campion Hall certainly
looks glorious in it (the Study Hall, the fire escapes that formed a
“Y” down the back of the hall), as does the Chapel, as does the
confessional via which one could access the steam tunnels, as do the
steam tunnels themselves. (I was denied permission to shoot in the
Steam Tunnels, alas, but Fr. Strzok himself shot the scene that we shot
anyhow!) Tom Olsen, who shoulders the largely thankless job of
maintaining of this website, has experimented with putting it on-line
for mass consumption, but download time seemed to be a big issue--plus,
I think, server capacity concerns--with each of the 3 four-to-five
minute sections taking 30 minutes apiece to download. People interested
in seeing it must clamor to see it somehow, like I clamor to hear more
about life in the Pen! I had to put my beloved 13 year old Weimaraner
to sleep today, but reading Mr. Keough cheered me up and made me glad
to have experienced Campion. (My class was the last freshman class
dormed in Marquette, which I'm grateful for too.)
Tue Nov 9 12:15:48 2004 [John Roll 1970]: My
bad, Jim, I was either unaware or forgot that Bro Gillick taught speech
to our Class...great story about the chalk. The article Jim Hartigan
referenced talks about him buying a left-handed glove so he could jog
around a track with his hand bouncing along a rail for guidance, then
later using a cord held by a fellow runner...a very resourceful fellow,
to say the least. Father Gillick, feel free to visit us here in the
Guestbook whenever the spirit moves you.
Mon Nov 8 17:31:23 2004 [Jim Williamson 1970]:
John Roll, I too have great memories of Fr.(Bro)Gillick. He did teach
our class. I had him for speech class and he was a wonderful teacher.
He completely amazed the class because he would walk around the room
while he was teaching and he would write on the black board. Later
during the class, he would pick up the eraser and erase everything that
he had written, which got us thinking that maybe he wasn't really blind
after all. Before I graduated I asked him how he was able to remeber
where he had written on the board. He said that he would place chalk in
the tray beneath the writing and when he wanted to erase he would walk
along the chalk tray with his hand in the tray. Every time he'd feel a
piece of chalk, he'd go to work with the eraser directly above the
piece of chalk.
Mon Nov 8 15:39:22 2004 [J Chris Chinn 62]:
Kevin. You should have been a Freshman in the Fall of 1958. We had
truly 'wonderful' quarters in Kostka Hall. That really was roughing it.
Anyone care to share memories of that delightful old building? On a
different subect - Happy Veteran's Day this Thursday to all of us who
Mon Nov 8 14:48:20 2004 [Keough '65]: The
Pen (Pig Pen, I believe was the source) was an enormous room full of
wooden cubicles (sort of like a corporate cube farm in any big city
downtown office building) that had curtains which slid across the 4th
wall for "privacy". With the exception of the guys who had
brothers/fathers who had previously attended, the entire freshman class
was housed ("penned") in there. High ceilings, drafty rows of windows,
farting and "other" nocturnal noises (if you catch my drift). I believe
that the Pen was 2 floors above the Study Hall. I don't remember being
able to get up much higher w/o getting into attic type quarters. The
common hallway was lined solidly w/sinks and mirrored cabinets for our
morning "toilette". Bunches of kids scurrying around in skivvies
rushing to get ready for Mass. I'm going to have to get confirmation on
the location but I think I'm correct. Will have to check photos, too.
By the way, I heard something on Comedy Central where one guy says, "I
thought you were a Catholic. Didn't you go to Catholic School for 12
years. Why aren't you a Catholic anymore?" The other guy responds,
"Because I went to Catholic School for 12 years."
Mon Nov 8 14:11:18 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Kevin, again I plead ignorance...what was the Pen? And on what floor
were your rooms? I just remember classrooms on two or three floors,
with Study Hall directly above the Joyce Kilmer Library. I'm not sure
even Paul McCullough can help me here, since, like I said earlier, no
one in my Class resided in Campion Hall.
Mon Nov 8 13:54:24 2004 [Keough '65]: One of
the (few) perks of having a Campion alumnus(i) in the family was
assignment of rooms instead of being thrown into the Pen in Freshman
Year. Kisting, Keough, Kraus, & Kunsch (alphabetical
assignments...)had the corner (or 2nd from corner) room facing South.
These rooms were on the same floor as the Pen. Rooms were all
4-man(boy) rooms and colder than hell. ...still better than the Pen...
Mon Nov 8 09:29:23 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Great article about Fr. Gillick...thanks, Jim, it was worth pecking out
that lengthy web address. It would have been nice to have a mention of
his Campion years, but most of us have our memories of "Bro" Gillick
for that. I remember him as a modest, thoughtful guy, easy to talk to
you, and always cheerful despite his handicap. We really never heard
him talk a great deal because he taught no classes (to our Class,
anyway), and therefore probably didn't register to most of us as an
"upper-echelon" Jesuit. As the article makes clear, that completely
changed in the decades since...he obviously has been an inspiration to
several generations in the Creighton community. In addition to how
great a speaker he's become, I was struck by his long-standing
committment to exercise, and the spirituality he sees in it. I'm sure
I'm not alone in remembering him as being, well, on the "far side" of
200 bills. It's great how his life has evolved over the years.
Hopefully, he'll visit this website again, as he did a year or two
ago... On another note, Kevin Keough roomed in Campion Hall his
freshman year? I didn't know it was still being used as a residence
hall in the early 60's. In our years it was classrooms only (plus
Library, Lockers, and Freshman Rec Room...oh yeah, and Don Sebastion's
Barber Shop!)
Sun Nov 7 13:55:55 2004 [Jim Hartigan 71]:
Click on the following link to read insightful story on Fr. Larry
Gillick - a much loved and respected man.
Sun Nov 7 12:19:56 2004 [Keough '65]: Sad
news: Fr. Tom Kisting '65 has been taken away from us as a result of
injuries suffered in a vehicle crash near Duluth, MN. Tom & I,
along w/ Tom(?) Kraus and Dan Kunsch were the 1st to receive jugs
during our freshman year. And it was Dan's fault!! We were roomies in
Campion Hall (having had brothers who had attended before us). Dan was
making us laugh after lights out and I believe it was Fr. Aspenleiter
who shone the fearful flashlight...
Sun Nov 7 09:48:00 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
I am compiling a list of the all of the college acceptances of CJHS
students as reported in the Campion Knight between the years 1965 and
1975. To date, I have the data from the year books from 1967 to 1975.
Interestingly, unlike the other books, the 1973 Knight does not contain
a list of where seniors were off to after graduation. Can I ask if any
one has a 65 and/or a 66 Knight, could they please scan/e-mail or fax
the page containing college acceptances to me? Also, if there is a list
or if anyone has any data regarding the Class of '73 college
placements, could they send it along, too? The complete list will be
forwarded to Tom Olson for this website and I'm happy to e-mail a copy
to anyone who would like one. The data display would show the colleges
to which students were accepted/intended to go (as per the time The
Knight was prepared) and the number of students entering the respective
school; no names or breakdown by years would be used, out of respect
for confidentiality. I estimate the sample size will be about 800,
perhaps more. I must say that, from the data compiled, despite the
incompleteness (i.e., missing data from '73, students who either
deferred college or didn't report where they were going upon leaving
Campion) and the inherent inaccuracies in reviewing such data, Campion
was really cranking out students to some great colleges/universities
during its last 10 - 11 years of existance.
Tue Nov 2 08:57:28 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
Well, "cor unum et anima una" translates as "one heart and one soul"
(or "spirit", or equivalent). I believe that this is the motto of our
Sun Oct 31 20:46:33 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
Does anybody know any of the history of the Campion Seal? I took
French; my brother took Latin, both of us barely passed. I have
requested the help of a Latin scholar that I found via the Internet. If
anyone has any insight, I'd be glad to hear it. You can view the seal
Thu Oct 28 10:21:23 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Oh come on, Lady-Bug, no sour grapes from the Yankee-lover! Let the
chowderheads enjoy their moment in history! And Fred, I share your
concern for Dudek...I thought I spotted him on TV last night in the
riotous, er, celebrating crowd on Boylston Street, and it didn't look
like he was in need of any St. Louis beer. Ed, check in with us when
you come to (in a month or so).
Thu Oct 28 07:11:20 2004 [leighty 70]: so
now the Sox are just another ball club. no curse, no character; just
bearded and hairy.
Thu Oct 28 05:22:50 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Okay, where the hell are you Dudek now that the Babe has lifted his
curse. You missed your chance for a sixpack of St.L's finest. If you
need bail money post celebration, call Leighty. And now send the magic
to the Cubs.
Mon Oct 25 07:32:08 2004 [lady bug 70]:
sanity prevails on Central Park South, Paul! Thanks be to St. Edmund.
Now can sanity prevail in St. Louie? On the other hand I've heard
enough suffering, angst and woe from Bosox fans to last a century.
Maybe it would be best to get it over with. By all that is just,
though, the end of suffering as we know it should be decided in a World
Series between the Sox and the Cubs. Dudek, where art thou?
Sat Oct 23 14:44:10 2004 [pmcc typo correction ]:
"doen" = down, "abservations" = observations. (no, am not attempting a
Boston accent).
Sat Oct 23 06:41:56 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
Well, Keith, seems Bill Lederman, owner of Mickey Mantle's, has
relented and will not be temporarily re-naming his restaurant "Ted
Williams" and will be taking doen his sign today, acc. to WINS News
radio this am. Seems he has been getting a lot of phone calls,
including obnoxious abservations and threats . Even Mickey Mantle's
family chimed in, calling the proposed action 'disgusting'. I guess I
won't eat there.
Fri Oct 22 19:24:56 2004 [class of '72 1972]:
if any of you know where tom leyden is now (10/04)please let me know.
tome and i went together during our h.s. years and I would just love to
catch up with him and how his life has gone, thanks.
Fri Oct 22 19:20:51 2004 [tom leyden 1972]:
ps. you can reach me in Oak Park, Il
Fri Oct 22 19:19:49 2004 [tom leyden 1972]:
Tom, I am just wondering how you are and what you are up to now that we
are 50 years old. Please contact me if and when you read this, I would
love to catch up. It is me, K. Mulvaney, your high school girlfriend
who has NEVER forgotten you and your kindness.
Fri Oct 22 18:46:42 2004 [I am not Keough not65]:
Franzen, we can break the other goddam arm. Were you this fkn annoying
back then, too??
Fri Oct 22 14:48:04 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
Well, Keith, they renamed Mickey Mantle's (restaurant on Central Park
South) "Ted Williams" for the time being - the owner put up a new sign
two days ago and is going to leave it up until after the Series. For
real. Bartenders are supposed to wear Bosox hats (that didn't go down
too good, some grumbling, it's good they didn't ask them to wear red
leggings). Talk about the metaphysical - two dead baseball platers
speaking from the grave. As I recall, isn't Ted Wiliams (or part of
him) supposed to be kept "on ice" somewhere in Arizona in a cryogenic
state? I hope they don't "serve him up" on the menu at 'The Mick's' -
jeez, don't get me started.
Fri Oct 22 13:18:21 2004 [Michael Doyle 70]:
I was thinking about my theory of God's vacation. For a bit I thought
perhaps he/she/it was back at work. I mean, the Red Sox comeback would
appear to be a miracle. On second thought, though, why waste a miracle
on something as meaningless as baseball? If and when the Big Kahuna
gets back on the job, he/she/it is likely to look around, see the mess
we've created, and decide to go back on vacation for another few
thousand years. That way we can continue to destroy ourselves and the
planet, thereby making it easier for God to start fresh in our litle
corner of the universe. On a side note, I don't understand Neznarf's
message. Who is my alter ego and whom did it misanalyze? I'm quite
certain the only alter ego I've used here is Elyod Ekim and the only
thing he misanalyzed was the start time of the Navy-Notre Dame game.
Fri Oct 22 11:40:43 2004 [lady bug 70]: Oh,
woe. Oh, woe. Oh dreadful Yankee woe.
Thu Oct 21 19:18:52 2004 [Neznarf Nhoj 1971]:
OK, Michael, but I think your alter ego misanalyzed the guy.
Thu Oct 21 16:47:40 2004 [Michael Doyle 70]:
Fr. Aspenleiter's message brings up some interesting metaphysical
issues. For example, what does "one earthly contact" mean? I suspect
that God established this policy before the advent of electronic
communication. I suppose in the ancient world "one earthly contact"
would be limited to the few people the (ghost? shade? dead guy?) could
communicate with face to face during the one contact. But think of dear
departed Fr. Aspenleiter's message. I don't know how many people
actually read this guestbook, but it's more than a few. And the message
could be forwarded to very large numbers of people. A clever dead guy
could use his one contact to communicate a message to vast numbers of
people. Doesn't this subvert God's intentions in setting up the "one
earthly contact" policy? My own theory is that God has been on vacation
in the Andromeda galaxy or some other far away celestial resort for the
past couple of thousand years and he/she/it isn't aware of what's been
going on here, therefore he/she/it hasn't updated his heavenly policy
and procedures manual. This could also explain how the human species
has been allowed to mess up so badly.
Thu Oct 21 16:09:37 2004 [Neznarf Nhoj 1971]:
I don't know what the impostor could be complaining about. I always
thought the guy was crystal clear.
Thu Oct 21 15:52:06 2004 [Aspenleiter SJ]:
One of the benefits of being a lifelong Jesuit priest, is that the
Supreme Being,God Almighty himself, permits us to make one earthly
contact in this afterlife where I now exist. The reason for the earthly
contact must be extremely important and appropriate. Because of my love
for Campion and the years that I spent there, I have been monitoring
this board for quite some time. My earthly mission had a simple,
singular purpose- to guide young men to become strong, Christian
citizens on earth and in the end join me by the side of the Creator.
But after reading the many Franzen posts, I know that I have partially
failed and must at least try to right something that went terribly
wrong. Franzen- your continuing pontifications and run-on garbage about
nothing is enough to make me die again. I know that you write all of
that garbled crap hoping to receive some caustic retort. You like this
because it gives you reason to begin another rambling rant. John, this
is bosh, this is BOURGEOIS! Please spare your fellow Knights and go
away. I'm praying for you. Please don't respond as I have used up my
one contact and cannot post anymore.
Thu Oct 21 14:41:05 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Brevity, maybe not, but I hope the clarity eventually came for most,
contrary to Fred's experience. Thought I ought to pursue clarity at
length if needed, John, for I recalled your having once been horrified
at my falling short there. I guess (consequently) the predictable
hazard of memorial depth is the need for clarification (even of
Thu Oct 21 06:14:09 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Fred, I wouldn't expect to hear from Dudek for another day or so. He'll
either be killing off cases of Sam Adams with his fellow "chowds" or
sleeping off same. I also wouldn't expect to hear from that Yankee
front-runner Leighty just yet, as he will not be coming out of shock
until spring training of '05. Finally, I don't understand how you could
be perplexed by the preceding messages, Fred. I thought Mr. Franzen
zeroed in on Father Scott's teaching style with great clarity and
brevity. I for one am really glad he cleared that up.
Thu Oct 21 05:25:49 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]: I
don't understand a couple of the preceeding messages. Please don't try
to educate me on them either as I sometimes prefer density. However I
wanted to know if Ed Dudek has come down to earth following the Bosox
improbable comeback and if he was willing to bet a six of Sam Adams vs.
Bud/Micheloeb if St. Louis faces them in the series.
Wed Oct 20 17:15:24 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Fr. S deserved a >99% clarity rating. When I said "method in the
madness," I was alluding to the fact that Fr. S's selection of
inferential connectives at least initially probably appeared
indiscriminate (figuratively "mad"), among: (1) the T word, (2) the C
word, and (3) the C word/ T word combo. I was suggesting there was in
fact a consistent distinguishing logical basis even for each of Fr. S's
uses of any of those terms, tho I can't be too confident of having
identified it. The cause for my never testing my interpretation
adequately was indeed precisely the intrinsic interest of Fr. S's
subject matter and his clarity in expressing it. Too absorbing. [Fr. S
sometimes even said "therefore, consequently," but I thought he treated
that variant as semantically equivalent to its reverse. I suppose even
that hunch needed testing.] I realize we're getting deep {*} (chuckle).
{*Cf. Fr. A again. Some Fr. A-bestowed (I think) nicknames, by the way,
were: Remco, Camino, Bruno, Macker, and Tock. Actually, I'm probably
not right about the origination for all of those, but at least they all
fit Fr. A's preferred "mnemonic device" template for nicknames.}
Wed Oct 20 13:14:34 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
No, I agree with you completely, Thomas. If I said something
confusingly, it's not the first time!
Wed Oct 20 12:38:34 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
When Fr. Scott got done saying what he was saying I at least understood
him. I didn't take any of it as some kind of babble cock!
Tue Oct 19 18:06:36 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
I didn't, of course, use, in the long-ago hypothesis, any of the
technical terms I use in the monster ppgh below, for I was then
ignorant of them. That left the hypothesis usu. quite vague. It was
closer just to: "independent of experiment" v. "before experiment" v.
"after experiment"; and I did realize eventually that that 3d part was
mistaken. Anybody else make any such interpretation of Father Scott's
Tue Oct 19 17:49:24 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
As I recall, Fr. S would initially call upon one by both first and last
name (no diminutives like "Tom," & no "Mr."), but then in the
several follow-up quasi-Socratic method call-upons, he would just use
the last name. I think Steve Karr totaled just 125 when he tallied Fr.
S's "therefore[s]" for the 50-minute General Science class period. Fr.
S's "however[s]" worked much better than "but[s]" would have, to narrow
the range of possibilities established from whatever he had just
previously called to mind. Sometimes Fr. S would use "consequently"
apart from any "therefore." I think late in the course, I hypothesized
that the lone "therefore" indicated a not necessarily distinctively
scientific reasoning ("deductive" in what would later be geometry class
lingo), tho there was far more of this there than in non-scientific
contexts; that the lone "consequently" indicated reference to some
experiment a report (or even a performance) of which was coming up
(conjectural quasi-reasoning?; not really a strong "consequently," just
a "might it not follow that ..."); and that "consequently, therefore"
indicated mop-up reasoning that came after a report of an experiment
(cautious generalization?). [Still later, I think I had to modify that,
seeing "consequently, therefore" as having more general application,
indicating any reasoning from one or more previously established
(sub-)conclusions.] But I never really took care to test this
interpretational hypothesis against Fr. S's subsequent use of the
connectives. Maybe I got it all wrong, but I still suspect there was a
careful method in the madness. I don't recall Fr. S's textbook
("Adventures in Science"?) being as explicit as his lectures regarding
the steps in scientific reasonings. It's good we had such careful
attention to reasoning in our first "big boy language" {*} science
course. But I wonder why the class met just 3 hr/wk. If we'd met 5
hr/wk, perhaps we could've been, in those other 2 hr, required to do
simple experiments ourselves and write simple reports on them, by way
of which we could probably have internalized scientific method even
better. {*Cf. Fr. A.}
Mon Oct 18 18:33:15 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
St. Florian (patron saint of firefighters), Pray for us.
Mon Oct 18 14:57:17 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
That coffee can dust experiment was by far one of my favorites also.
The really nifty thing was that even that fire extinguisher dust they
sold in a squeeze bottle back then to put out grease fires on your
stove actually exploded in this apparatus also.
Mon Oct 18 14:34:54 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
I remember yet another General Physics demonstration performed by the
legendary Fr. Scott. This demonstration was on the explosive nature of
powders (not gun powders, mind you). Benign powders, such as talcum
powder, and for those whom grew up in the Mid-west, grain elevator
dust. The demonstration went as follows: Imagine a 1-gallon paint can,
inside of which is a wooden pedestal fastened to the bottom of the
paint can. Fastened to the top end of the pedestal is a metallic bowl,
with the capacity of approximately 1 tablespoon. Through a hole in the
side of the paint can is a pipette with a tapered end, pointing
directly at the metallic bowl. On the outside of the paint can,
attached to the external end of the pipette, was I believe surgical
tubing, about four feet in length. Inside the paint can, waxed firmly
to the bottom surface, was a small candle (probably the funny birthday
kind that you can’t blow out). The apparatus now ready, Fr. Scott
placed the full load of talcum powder into the tablespoon-sized
reservoir, lit the candle, and tapped the paint can lid snugly onto the
can. Before the candle could extinguish itself due to its consumption
of the oxygen within the paint can, Fr. Scott quickly puffed into the
far end of the surgical tubing. BOOOM !!!! The paint can lid flies off
and impacts the ornate tin ceiling. Once the dust settled, there,
before us gentlemen, his jet-black cassock now peppered with talcum
powder, stood the Kabuki faced Fr. Scott. Without so much as batting an
eyelash, I heard him say, “Therefore gentlemen, you now are aware of
the explosive nature of powders, however, I think I used too much
talcum powder”.
Mon Oct 18 13:46:39 2004 [leighty 70]:
Father A. gave everyone nicknames: Lady Bug, Lodi. Others?
Mon Oct 18 09:19:08 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
John, you may be right. I can't remember if he did. In class, many
teachers did simply use a student's last name only: Aspenleiter, Judge,
Burke, Oehler, Mugan, and Campbell come to mind. It seemed a rather
cold way of being addressed, but one got used to it. Jim Egan used
first names in his class. But Fr. Scott was indeed a very, very good
teacher, helped by the fact he that that big riser for all of the
chairs in his class - every seat seat in the house seemed to be a good
one. And as Robert Bruchs described, his demonstrations of gas physics,
Boyle's Law: vol of gas ~ 1/exerted pressure upon gas - ie, the bell
jar experiment, was pretty neat, still remember it clearly to this day.
I can't remember how he demonstrated Charles' Law: vol(gas) ~
temp(gas), was it a balloon expanding while sitting in a bowl of heated
water. Enough about gas: seems I'm expelling a little too much of it
right now.
Mon Oct 18 07:23:41 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Oops, looks like I picked up Matthew's "repeat-itis". The first message
didn't record, leading me to believe I hit the "clear" button by
mistake. After doing the second message I hit "record" and both
messages came up(!) Maybe I should just take the hint and stay in bed
Mon Oct 18 07:15:56 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Paul, excellent recall (as usual) of Father Scott's lecture style. I
have to quibble, though...surely, he would have addressed you as "Mr."
McCullough and "Mr." Nora. Also, let's not forget two key catchphrases
that seemed to start every third sentence: "Consequently, therefore..."
Mon Oct 18 07:08:41 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
To Paul and Robert: Excellent recall of Fr. Scott's lecture style, but
I think you're missing two key catchphrases that seemed to start every
other sentence: "Consequently, therefore..." and "JUST THINK OF IT,
Sun Oct 17 20:31:47 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
As always in the past, Matthew, I appreciate your outspoken support.
You're really something. But I suspect actually the Campionite silent
majority are with us on the back disability issue, Matt. It's just
normal fellow-feeling. Everybody knows the evil of long term injury. In
point of fact, the new law allows requiring hand weeding of one's
employees if it can be shown that long handled hoeing will be
ineffective for a task, altho more ten minute breaks will then be
required. For organic growers, there remain no restrictions on hand
weeding. Requiring harvesting by hand is not interfered with for any
grower. Historically, it has not been unusual for one of many foremen
to fire on the spot a worker who would stand up for a few seconds, in a
field of stoopers, as relief from intense back pain or spasm, and that
is just plain wrong. Employers shouldn't have the right to bleed
employees long term of their very work capability. I think the real
scandal here was the 29-year loophole. The new law will actually be in
force just for 120 days, as of now. In that time, there is a public
comment period prior to an intended longer adoption of the new rules
involved. The comments could lead to maodifying the new rules. I wonder
if that doesn't explain the misrepresentations. I wonder if what we've
heard doesn't trace to radio distortion artists who seek to eviscerate
the new rules. I could be wrong. The growers' CA Farm Bureau actually
agrees that requiring unnecessary hand weeding should be ruled out, as
does the Schwarzenegger administration.
Sun Oct 17 20:16:05 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
I don't think pi could equal 22/7. That would make it a rational
number, when in fact pi is famously irrational. (Hadn't esp. wanted to
be using that word again.) By the way, Robert, hope you're being
careful with that arm of yours. Arm re-injury is all too rampant, and
is doubly dangerous.
Sun Oct 17 07:25:28 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
I remember that at one time, someone in our General Science class tried
to count the "Therefore(s)" and "However(s)". I can't remember if the
result was...
a. Avogadro's number 6.02252 x 1023 amu/g
b. Velocity of light 2.99179 x 1010 cm/sec
c. Coulomb 6.24 x 1018 electrons
d. Somewhere around 231
Don't get me started on node and mesh equations...
Sun Oct 17 06:59:28 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
CORRECT! As in the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a
circle. OK, now therefore, Nora, from this you can solve backwards for
a missing variable when you know the other two. All right, for example
then, say you have pie that is round, therefore we can find the length
of the circumference of the pie. OK, then, therefore, all we have is a
ruler to measure its diameter. You want a put a big ribbon around the
circumference of your pie so you can give it to your mom and you need
to know how much ribbon to use. All you got to do, therefore, Nora, is
re-write the equation to look like this c=pid or if you want, pid=c.
And if you want to be more clever about it, you drop the "i" if you
understand "p" stands for pi (no, no - not the the kind you eat!), so
you have pd=c. That way, then, you can remember this formula by
recalling the first letters of the words that make up the name of your
school's town. OK, so now then, Nora, do you know the words that make
up the name of your school's town????...........CORRECT!!!!
Sun Oct 17 06:32:44 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
...or 22/7ths
Sat Oct 16 22:50:21 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Uh 3.14.....
Sat Oct 16 20:21:36 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Okay Paul, you remember the formula that every v=ir, I mean man, should
know. What is the other which was easy as ?
Sat Oct 16 15:01:53 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
To Robert Bruchs from the classroom of Fr. Scott. Subject: comparing
series and parallel circuits. "So, therefore, (cough, cough) a series
circuit is a circuit where the resistance is arranged in a chain, so
the current has only one path to take, and the current flows in turn
and is the same through each resistor. So, McCullough, what is the
total resistance for a series circuit with three resistors?" "Uh,....R
= R(1) + R(2) + R(3)???" "CORRECT!!! So now, McCullough, you have a
parallel circuit with three resistors R(1), R(2), R(3) and the current
splits up as it goes through each resistor. So now therefore,
McCullough (cough, cough), what is the total resistance in the
circuit?" "Uh,....R = R(1)..., no, wait a minute,.....R =
1/R(1)......(long pause)..." "CORRECT!!! So, therefore McCullough, If
R(1) = 8 ohms, R(2) = 8, and R(3) = 4, and the total resistance is 1/R
= 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/4 = 1/2, this gives us a resistance of 2 ohms! So, with
a ten volt battery, McCullough, and with the formula to find current as
I = V/R, what is the total current of this circuit, therefore (cough,
cough)? (correct ans = 5 amps). "Uh,.............." "CORRECT!!!"
Sat Oct 16 14:14:53 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
I thought Mr Garvey had left the order. As well as McNellis. Saw Jerry
McCarthy at the All Class Golf Tour last June.
Sat Oct 16 05:36:46 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
Anybody remember Fr. John Scott's "book about rain"? Therefore,
however, gentlemen… I loved it when he would suck the existence out of
one of those marshmallow snowball confections by submitting it to the
vacuum bell jar. And then there was the Van de Graaff generator that
would make your hair stand on end. He had me hold a bicycle wheel once,
which he spun so hard… turned me into a bio-gyroscope. Mr. Jerry
McCarthy had me pith a frog… is it still alive?
Sat Oct 16 05:24:28 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
The 'o' and the 'p' keys are too close together on my keyboard!
Sat Oct 16 05:23:14 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
Michael - Just to refresh ypur memory - It was Fred Gates. And Thomas,
I think Mr. Garvey left The Society.
Fri Oct 15 21:39:27 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Hi Mike, Welcome back. Hey, thanks for the offer on the 1939 book.
Currently Aaron Huguenard is scanning and sending in the 39 Senior
Just waiting on the rest. However, definitely send in your other pics.
And I will keep you in mind if Aaron gets too busy with Hurricanes and
what not to finish up. I remember all the faculty you mention. I didn't
Mr Garvey continued on to become a "Fr." Is he still? Do you still hear
from Mr. Gates. I have his email around here.
Fri Oct 15 21:20:42 2004 [Michael A. O'Brien ?]:
How is everyone doing out there? I was a straight A student during my
Campion experience, funny tried out for fullback freshman year, was cut
the first round, I was 5' feet tall, maybe 110 lbs, go figure? I loved
traveling through the steam tunnels, I'd give tours, you could gain
access through the the confesionals trap doors. It you put you anywhere
on campus that you willing to pay to see:) Who I loved the most was Mr.
Phil Gates, he was a man of character, values and integrity! I was
treated with respect! I got into a little trouble and Mr. Gates, did
not pre-judge, thank you, you thaught me how to be a man. There are so
many from Campion that I love and trust, I'm speechless. Are you
stupid, put a gag in my mouth(ha,ha). First of all I thank GOD that I
had the Privelage to be part of the Campion experience. Freshman year
Mr. Gunderson and Father Scott had an inpact. I have always been a
Scientics, still am, also involved with the political process, thank
you Father Garvey:). Mr. Gunnderson showed me how to trake the stars
and Father Scott told us how explore the stars:) My favorite teacher
was Mr. McCarthy, because me true love is biology, went on to get my
B.S. (Bull Shit)in Biology, my M.S. {More Shit) in Ecology and
Envorinmental Sciences, finally got some more paper as a grad student
in Pubic Admistration. Currently I'm an Enforcement Officer, in the
area of water pollution abatement. I would like to say hi to Fateher
McNillis (sp?), Father Fitzgerald, Farther Kidd and all the seniors who
tried to help me out, on the day of the kangaroo court, because they
were always my brothers prior:) Guess what I won one later in a court
of gestures:) I have the 1939 yearbook and maybe more steam tunnels
which you could access through the confessionals, through a trap door:)
Fri Oct 15 21:14:52 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Boy, that was fun. We ought to put together another area in the form of
a tiki wiki so everybody can build on this new world fantasy.
Fri Oct 15 21:13:54 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
They aren't working for less than what they would be if you didn't send
them your work. Yes perhaps less than you would do it for, but a hell
of lot more than what they would normally get otherwise. Just like
there are jobs you and I do for less than what others get. So maybe now
I should feel down because someone else is
doing the same kind of work I do for double and in some cases 20 times
what I am willing to do it for. It is all relative. I was happy with my
measly income until you made me believe that I am so far beneath
everybody else. I'm so belittled, now, that I am just not even going to
try to do any work for anybody. Just give your money to the Government
and then they can take care of me at everybody else's expense. It
should work for a while until there is nobody else willing to work.
Let's just not give them any paying jobs and just send them cash. If
you want to pay them even more than the going rate and what they are
willing to, then go ahead and pay them more. Or isn't that what we have
a new world government for. Yes, that's it, I'm running for
office to ensure I get the first cut of all the money we take from
who are still trying to make a wad. That will make me set for life and
what is left over we will sort of give to the others that decided to
quit work because they were made to feel it is not worth working.
Fri Oct 15 20:25:51 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
I've heard about computer programmers / web designers etc. who take on
jobs and then subcontract the work to willing keyboard workers in india
who'll do the job for a fraction of what the free-lancer gets paid.
they jump at the chance. I'm looking into an off-shore operation
that'll take over my typing for peanuts and not make the stupid
mistakes i always seem to make. It's a brave new world, definitely, and
the line between exploitation and opportunity is blurred when so many
have so little and are eager to work for less. This is true, too. oh
i'll take ten shares.
Fri Oct 15 10:15:26 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
I forgot to mention. Don't tell anyone our plans. But we did find some
people who are willing to type for everyone. They don't have any
problem with using their God given utilities. This is great! We also
have a really cool hi-tech alternative. But no in their right mind
would buy the product when the God given methods are naturally cheaper.
But, hey. don't worry, we have a plan. We can plant the seed of an idea
that, hey, those people shouldn't be allowed to use their fingers
because it overly strengthens the flexor digitorum produndus to the
point of aching. But that is ok, too, because we have another guy that
has an otherwise costly
solution that we can use to fix that. But if we ban the use of fingers,
then his business will dry up also. But, that is ok because now we will
finally be able to sell our concept solution. And what is really cool
we are going to make you all pay up the nose for it as a community. All
for the privilege of not having to use your own God given and freely
marketed talents. It's a new world! Make sure you vote for me. I have a
plan. Now how many shares do you want!
Fri Oct 15 09:21:53 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Hi Matt,
Don't worry about it. We will outlaw refresh buttons. And find some
alternative from using fingers to do the typing.
Sorry, couldn't resist!
Fri Oct 15 08:19:29 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Question for Thomas Olson: Am I inadvertently making double postings
when hours after posting something i hit "Refresh?" Maybe that's it.
Fri Oct 15 08:17:32 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
is there a malfunction here?
Fri Oct 15 08:17:05 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Ummm...I hereby refrain from posting the message below for a third
Fri Oct 15 07:01:10 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Ummm...I hereby refrain from posting the message below for a third
Thu Oct 14 15:06:52 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
I ended the screed below wit the phrase, SUCCEED from the Union? Secede
from the Union Is more like what I meant. Maybe I was thinking about
the Bob Dylan line about trying "to be a suckcess. (Speaking of the
Mesabi Range, Bob Dylan's memoir "Chronicles" is the best new book I've
read this year.) And why was it I wonder that "farmer" was an epithet
that Campion students often used to put native Wisconsin kids in their
place? And they hadn't snuck across the border.
Thu Oct 14 14:48:01 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
I ended the screed below wit the phrase, SUCCEED from the Union? Secede
from the Union Is more like what I meant. Maybe I was thinking about
the Bob Dylan line about trying "to be a suckcess. (Speaking of the
Mesabi Range, Bob Dylan's memoir "Chronicles" is the best new book I've
read this year.) And why was it I wonder that "farmer" was an epithet
that Campion students often used to put native Wisconsin kids in their
place? And they hadn't snuck across the border.
Thu Oct 14 13:25:24 2004 [Elyod Ekim 70]:
Dear Mr. Llor, Are you sure you can't do a straight inversion of anyone
else's name? Might end up with some strange spellings, I suppose, but
who cares? Jeesh, why am I writing this? Oh well, on to a serious
topic: this is the year Navy is going to beat Notre Dame! Saturday,
noon Eastern time. Catch the march on and the flyover. Go Midshipmen,
run the table! By the way, please don't refer to them as "Middies."
They are "Midshipmen" or "Mids." And regarding my other favorite team
(and one of my alma maters), please don't say "Southern Cal." Cal is
that quirky public school up north and USC is not a southern branch of
it. Here's a parental sacrifice. My 9 year old daughter's soccer game
is at 3:45 Saturday and my wife and I are the coaches. So I'll miss the
end of the USC game and at least the first half of the Navy game. Thank
goodness for VCRs.
Thu Oct 14 09:50:50 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
Why it is, I don't know, but it seems like when I don't look at the
website for months, but then visit it finally, there's something
contentious going on, in which several guys are on one side, and John
Franzen on the other, and I agree with Franzen! Why is it, I wonder,
that middle- or upper-middle class, white male graduates of a
privileged prep school, and of presumably comparable universities, feel
so trodden upon by a law designed to at least somewhat lessen the
impact of physical labor on the skeletons of poor people, who make
their livings, and support their families, exclusively by such labor?
Surely, pulling weeds during the summer in order to save up money for
high school or college tuition isn't the same phenomenon as the
predicament of full-time agricultural laborers who have very limited
prospects for obtaining other types of work. Can the passing of such a
law be seriously cited as being an manifestation of what is said to be
the greatest threat to our free society? George W. Bush would
doubtlessly agree, and, for all I know, a majority of Campion grads at
this point in their lives are intending to vote for him. But as a
product of the Fr. O'Connor / Richard Lundstrom-tendency of injecting a
passion for social-justice into Jesuit education, I'm sure the hell
not. (I voted for Nader in the past two presidential elections, but
this time don’t dare.) And when it's jokingly suggested that farm
workers might want to "move back home," putting aside “hoes and weed,”
I'm afraid that this reveals all too much about what likely underlies
such righteous concerns about the oppressiveness of government
regulation. Farm laborers come from elsewhere, right? They aren't us,
and this isn’t their home, and what’s more, they should consider
themselves damned grateful to be able to work in this country, and feel
honored to have the chance to sustain lifelong back injuries, growing
the vegetables we eat, because it’s a better life than they could make
for themselves in the countries they come from, or they wouldn’t be
here! But then the “haves” are always staving off being oppressed by
the hoards of the “have-nots.” Maybe its time for the “haves” to
succeed from the Union. (I don’t mean the United Farm Workers, I mean
the United States.)
Thu Oct 14 07:51:39 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
Hmmm, maybe the farm workers would like to move back home, where they
could play with the hoes and do weed in their native country. Oops, I
think I read that all wrong!
Wed Oct 13 16:54:36 2004 [Noslo Mot 1972]:
nam, ecalp eht dnuof ew!
Wed Oct 13 13:35:35 2004 [leighty 70]:
palindrome, you gouster.
Wed Oct 13 11:43:37 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
And no, Chris Lamal, palendromes don't count. Even if your first name
was Bob, the word order would be wrong...Aron, you're the man!
Wed Oct 13 11:19:48 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Dang, I was all set to get off my own "Aron Derf" joke until I went
through the class list and realized there is absolutely no other name
but Fred's that you can do that to! Maybe a "scramble" but not a
straight inversion...well done, Derf!
Wed Oct 13 08:08:25 2004 [Michael Doyle 70]:
We have an imposter! I am quite certain that there never was an Aron
Derf in our class. And shame on whoever you are for claiming to know
Fred intimately. I refuse to believe that Fred would ever permit
someone with a silly name like Aron Derf to know him intimately. Maybe
Erin, but never Aron. Pranksters be gone:)
Tue Oct 12 16:49:23 2004 [Joe Williamson 1972]:
Hello to my good friend Tom Lochner. Tom, what the hell does the DS
stand for after your name? Send my regards to Gene Stender if you see
Mon Oct 11 06:29:12 2004 [Leighty 70]: He
has a point there. (with apologies to Harry Nilsson)
Mon Oct 11 06:28:21 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Hoohoo hoohoo.
Mon Oct 11 05:57:30 2004 [Aron Derf 1970]: I
happen to know Fred intimately and I can assure you that you give him
way too much credit to assume he had any "point." He wouldn't recognize
a point if it hit him in the eye!
Sat Oct 9 02:48:01 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
I suppose, Thomas, that Fred's point was that we wandered a bit far
from nostalgia in that exchange.
Fri Oct 8 15:09:20 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
No, I was not saying that *you* were irrational, Mr. Tom Lochner, just
that it would be irrational for the farm workers not to seek to avoid
long term debilitating injury, so long as there is any hope of avoiding
it. I am hopeful that this misunderstanding is the basis for your
current less than fraternal spirit. Otherwise I cannot understand your
expressed attitude. We ought to be able to disagree in a brotherly
spirit. Best wishes, Tom.
Fri Oct 8 12:29:10 2004 [Tom Lochner DS 72]:
john, sorry you think I am irrational and your brother, but I am
neither. I do know that having discussions with you can be irrational
so I am done doing that. By the way if I was insulting it was only
because I meant to be and for that I am not sorry. Fred Nora on the
other hand makes perfect sense however I do recall some references to
"hoes" at Campion, but not of the garden variety.
Fri Oct 8 11:52:56 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
I said "non-idiotic" (after Thomas referred to the new law as "idiocy")
to suggest that one is anticipating the irrational if one expects
people to work for years and decades at a job having a practice that
harms their health long term without trying to change that situation.
By the way, I see now that organic farmers in CA are exempt from the
new law, so clearly these are far from being across the board bans on
one's using the short handled hoe at one's own initiative or hand
weeding for oneself. I'm against undue government intrusiveness too,
Tom, but this ain't that. And don't be insulting, brother. Fred, best
of luck in recovering as soon as possible from the hurricane damages,
to you and all others in your situation.
Fri Oct 8 10:43:40 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Ditto Tom. And generators to run those Air Conditioners Fred!
Fri Oct 8 07:07:35 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]: I
can remember a lot of conversation revolving around "weed" at Campion,
and I don't remember comments re. hoes of any length. I do seem to
recall a select few who discussed the merits of "chemicals" and the
unwanted restrictions of government however. Down here in the Plywood
State things are starting to look normal. Hurricanes are a great
learning experience. For instance I now know that Man's greatest
invention is not the wheel, grain cultivation, the steam engine,
electric lighting, antibiotics, or even duct tape. #1 - AIR
Fri Oct 8 05:58:31 2004 [Tom Lochner DS72]:
I don't want to start a debate about modern agricultural practices but
it appears that few people today understand the complexities of food
production. I have work with it for 26 years and have seen
unbeleiveable changes in practices and technology. Comparing chemicals
from 30 years ago to theose used today is off the mark. The point of my
post and Tom's (I beleive) is that government is too intrusive in our
lives to be setting such regulations. Whether it is the effects of the
Patriot Act on civil liberties, workplace regulations which do little
other than increase costs for employers (and reduce benefits and
numbers of employees)or attempts to limit or regulate speech and the
press it is in my opinion the largest threat to a free society. Time to
move out of your parents' basement john and then maybe you can live a
"non idiotic" life. By the way many of us day students spent our
summers handweeding the grounds on Campion to pay for our tuition at 96
cents and hour so I have an understanding of the effects of that type
of labor.
Thu Oct 7 17:24:19 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
The farm workers' using the long handled hoe instead is the point of
this reform, and that's not hand weeding, guys (and I don't see what's
not "natural" about it). The disabling back injuries come with the many
years of long days of stooped labor that adult California farm workers
toil, so comparing with "kids" and gauging injury after a few years is
off the mark. Chemical weedkillers are even more dangerous, guys. My
dad did custom weed spraying for other farmers as part of making ends
meet (and paying for Campion), and that's probably how he got the
cancer that killed him. Far be it from me to be disagreeable, guys, but
here's to a non-idiotic life, to health, and to the long handled hoe!
Thu Oct 7 11:41:33 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Hi Tom, Goodness me no! Don't mention chemicals. They could seep into
soil and cause an endangered rat or endangered weed or endangered bug
to become ill, but probably only in California. But, seriously, the
organic growers and potted plant growers are concerned. And in some
minds hand weeding isn't just stooping over and using "hands". It is
any tool which is manually used by the hand. And it won't belong that
the nit pickers try to say that foot weeding is not allowed either.
What a crock! Huh! I hope this idiocy doesn't spread.
Thu Oct 7 05:53:30 2004 [Tom Lochner DS72]:
Hey Tom there is another way to control weeds and it involves chemicals
but of course that is unnatural so we can't do that either!! I work in
the ag sector in Wisconsin and our growers have used high school and
college kids to hand weed for generations. They pay $10 an hour now and
I have not seen a whole lot of debilitating injuries. God save us from
Thu Oct 7 02:38:53 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Yep, figures! The natural way is banned because it is hard work. I'm
still waiting for the
day natural births are banned because it is after all dangerous.
Wed Oct 6 22:23:06 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
I meant "immiserating" (not "immisearing"!). Sorry about the verbosity,
Thomas, but my chronic back pain from lesser causes tells me the farm
workers' labors are going to be a little less back-breaking now.
Wed Oct 6 22:16:53 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Are you sure you're not still allowed to hand-weed at your own
initiative, Thomas? I doubt it very much. I think the ban is just on
requiring people whom you employ to hand-weed. The problem that needed
to be addressed is long term disabling back injuries. The 29-year ban
on requiring people whom one employs to use the short handled hoe was
meant to reduce the incidence of that immisearing health problem, but
my understanding is that some growers circumvented that ban by simply
requiring their workers to hand-weed instead, which was even worse.
I've spent many hours de-tasseling corn, baling hay, etc. too, Thomas,
but that was all done standing up straight. It couldn't compare with
the stooped labor of repeatedly bending over for hours at a time in the
hot sun pulling "volunteer corn" (from previous years' plantings) out
from the soybean fields. And my dad never made me do that for more than
a few hours at a time. I have no trouble empathizing with the
California farm workers who have had to do that for 8 to 12 hours a
day, for many consecutive days. It's not fair to require people to
accumulate long-term debilitating injury-- with all the pain,
suffering, potential loss of work capability, and medical bills it's
going to cost them later-- when there is an alternative, namely the
long handled hoe. There. Did that "help," Thomas?
Wed Oct 6 19:52:33 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Yep, I know that was off topic. But, hay!
Wed Oct 6 19:46:08 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Help! I need to get out of this trap we're in... As of two days from
California is banning, yes, BANNING hand weeding. What the *$&*!!!!
Are our field workers getting bit by rattlesnakes, blackwidows, brown
recluses, or just getting back aches and knee aches. Oh maybe a thorn
here and there gives them a booboo. I don't know. I just stumbled onto
this one. Maybe it is common everywhere else too. I suppose it's
possible that
children are no longer allowed to manually detassel corn. How many of
detasseled corn, worked the bean fields, baled hay etc for 6 bits an
It was hard rewarding work. I hear that back in 1975 California BANNED
use of short handle hoes. I had no idea. I've been using my broken
hoe for years. The whole concept is frivolous to me! IS there ANY state
in the union worth moving to!
Wed Oct 6 07:49:00 2004 [Mason A Holt 1976]:
Hey Tom, Thanks for the reply. Both Heberlein & Baker were roomates
of mine. If any one knows how to get in touch with them, please pass my
e-mail address ( on. I also roomed with a guy named Tim
Jassak and ended up at St. Louis University with him. We were both
persuing careers in aviation. I ended up in the Mortgage business but
Tim stuck it out and is now flying really cool jets for Pet Milk. I
used to bring my Sisters pom-pom squad up for co-ed weekends. Heberlein
scored with a Hottie named Dee Dee Messino, I hope some of you other
guys hooked up also. Ahhh the Campion days! I've read some negative
comments posted here and I'm sorry those that wrote them do not share
the really really good memories I have. To be of High School age, away
at school with your own dorm room, females brought in to entertain us,
an allowance from Mom & Dad without chores. All I had to do was get
acceptable grades and not piss off the jesuits (to much). What a great
Tue Oct 5 13:41:28 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Hey Mason, From time to time we have heard from Baker, Casey, Gomez,
Gretz, Heberlein, Most, Prentice, Schreiber, Toner, and Young all from
the class of 76. Albeit not often enough.
Tue Oct 5 12:41:56 2004 [Mason A. Holt 1976]:
Robert -- Good to hear your ok. Hurricanes a pretty scary but unless
you take a direct hit you should be fine. I lost my power also but
bought a generator a wile ago, also bought a window a/c unit. I use the
generator to power lights, fridge and tv to keep the kids happy then at
bed time I run the window a/c im my master bedroom. It lets us all have
a good - cool nights sleep. The world is a better place when your well
The generator/window unit are a good, cheap alternative to a whole
house generator. I think we're done with the big storms for this
season. Soon the cool - dry months will be upon us and we get to enjoy
the "paradise" florida is supposed to be. It would be great to go to a
local reunion with Campion Guys. My class of 1976 was the one that did
not have a senior year at Campion. I ended up at Bellermine College
Prep in San Jose, Ca. for my senior year. Great school as far as
credentials go but it couldn't hold a candle to my times at Campion.
Keep me in the loop regarding a Florida get together, I didn't know
there were that many of us down here. I have scanned the whole
guestbook and I think I'm the only one from 75-76 to log in. Have you
or anybody heard from any other of my class mates?
Tue Oct 5 09:16:36 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Just checking in with my fellow 70-ers...Fred, when you get a chance,
let us know how everything is shaking out (sorry...bad choice of words)
post-hurricane. Are you settled back in yet? I have another buddy from
my San Diego days who just moved to Pensacola in August...ouch! Worse
yet, he rented a house in Gulf Breeze, which on Mapquest looked even
worse than your location, Fred. Amazingly, he said most of his damage
was to his fence and landscaping, and the house held up pretty well.
Hope you're in similar shape. Chris, Keith, Paul, and all ye New
Yorkers, much as I would love to help trash your apartment again, it
doesn't look good for 2004. We're heading to Phoenix for Thanksgiving
to visit my wife's family, so no Macy's parade for me, Chris.
Definitely you can count me in for the new year, particularly if
Leighty's making martinis. Maybe we can even shame-er, I mean entice- a
few more alumni to the Big Apple (Doyle? Majewski?) Later!
Thu Sep 30 12:27:38 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
Mason, Jeanne came through just south of Melbourne (Palm Bay, I think).
After the other three hurricanes, there wasn't much left here in
Titusville to blow around, plus all of the trees that would have fallen
on the power lines had already been trimmed after Frances. Power
flickered a little, but we never lost it. My sister who lives in
Indialantic (on the Intercoastal) lost power for 5 days, and then only
got back one 110 volt feed on the 220 volt 2 phase supply. That doesn’t
quit do it for the AC, H2O heater, dryer, range, or pool pump. The lake
(retention pond) that I live on got pretty full but never overflowed.
The winds were pretty rough, and I was surprised to see the local
marina featured on the national FOX news broadcast. Apparently they
were waiting to get video of some poor guy's boat sinking. My wife got
scared and took the daughter to the local Baptist (pick one, any one,
there is one on every corner) Church, which used to be a certified
shelter, until they put a few windows in. And they lost power at the
shelter! As far as my Campion picture goes, I still have hair, it just
covers less of my head! Gee! With all of the Florida alumni I've been
hearing about, we should all try to make it to the next annual Florida
Wed Sep 29 14:21:37 2004 [Mason A. Holt 1976]:
Robert -- Just read your item about the hurricanes. I have lived in Ft.
Lauderdale for the past 22 years. I have only had to put my hurricane
shutters up 6 times, three times prior to this year. My home and some
properties I own up your way came out fine. Just the same, even without
injury or damage, they sure disrupt life & business. Sorry to hear
about your arm, they say that most injuries happen after the storm
passes. I guess you are living proof of that. jeanne came through near
you, How did you make out? My freshman year at campoin was 1972 so we
were there at the same time. I'm gonna look in my year books to see if
I can find your picture. p.s. "bombers" were all show and no go.
Sat Sep 25 10:18:20 2004 [Keough '65]:
Bruchs..My brother (Jim '58) lives in Cocoa Bch. He's not particularly
happy about the hurricanes, either. I was living in Oakland when Loma
Prieta hit. My wife & I keep talking about getting out of Vegas
(been here 8 yrs now) but earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, humidity,
big bugs, etc. Maybe we can stand the Summers here just a few more
Fri Sep 24 21:32:31 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
Joe, Go ahead, make me laugh, BUT.... There was one time at Campion,
after one of the dances, I walked my date home (must have been a
Prairie girl), after I (cough) kissed her good night on her doorstep, I
began my return back to campus. I must have been about 5 blocks away
from campus when a carload of "bombers" pulled up next to me. One guy
says "Hey, isn't there a dance at Campion tonight?", only with worse
diction. I tried to think fast, and started to say, "How should I
know", as if to say, "like what makes you guys think that I go to
Campion" (and Jesus said... "...You will deny me three times...").
Anyway, one of the BIG, UGLY bombers starts to get out of the car, and
I took off like a bat out of hell. So there I am, running for my life,
cutting through yards, with a car load of bombers chasing after me.
Then it happened, some old lady had been doing her laundry that
afternoon, and had left her clothesline hanging (my) neck high. I hit
that clothesline so hard, I think I did a full gainer around it. Next
thing I remember is I'm lying on my back, trying to catch my breath,
and checking to see if my head was still attached. I heard bombers
running towards me, "there he is" one of them shouted. I lit out of
there like a bad case of Loyola Hall diarrhea. I ran through a front
yard, and across the street to find another Campion student saying
goodnight to his date on her doorstep (I guess Campion guys rarely got
invited inside), as I got closer, the Campion student began to look
real familiar, thank God, it was your one time room mate, and my
brother, Jim. I don't know what happened to the bombers who were
chasing me, but I had a nasty rope burn on my neck for about the next
month. If I had stayed in Prairie any longer than the required four
years, I might have been lynched!
Fri Sep 24 13:47:08 2004 [Joe Williamson 1972]:
Robert - You should never have left Prairie du Chien!!
Fri Sep 24 13:22:35 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
Having lived in California for 20 years, and now Florida for 18 months,
I'm beginning to think that I prefer earthquakes over hurricanes. I
lived in San Jose during the Loma Preita earthquake, lost power for 1.5
hours, no big deal. Lived on Florida Space coast for hurricanes
Charlie, Francis, Ivan, and now Jean is aiming right for us. Lost power
for 1 day due to Charlie, 5 days 4 hours due to Frances, Ivan left us
pretty much alone but I sliced my arm taking down hurricane shutters
after Ivan (needed 30 sutures to close two layers). Now the stitches
are out just in time to put the hurricane shutters back up for
hurricane Jean! (...sigh...)
Sun Sep 19 17:35:58 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
I believe that I can put the Hoffman Hall Lounge floor issue to rest.
If you have the bandwidth, time, and Windoz Media Player take a look at Other selections
can be found at Floor tiles were/are sort of
green/grey/black. Wall tiles are dark green on a light green field.
Sun Sep 19 16:49:43 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Hoffman Lounge!!! There is some relatively decent color photographs in
Camp Campion Brochure. Page 7 has a picture of the tables and floor in
the snack room.
Sat Sep 18 00:22:00 2004 [Chris Lamal 1970]:
I'm throwing down the gauntlet on McCollough's description of the
Hoffman lounge floor. To my recollection, it was dark green-gray.
Fri Sep 17 19:16:56 2004 [Chris Lamal 1970]:
Hey, Fred, I'm all up for trashing my apartment. We could do a
Hurricane Ivan party. How about scheduling another NYC reunion
Thanksgiving weekend (Friday and/or Saturday?) It would give all you
out of town guys the bonus of being able to see the Macy's Thanksgiving
Day Parade live and in person! We could even have an ice skating party
at the Rockefeller Center skating rink!! What say ye all? All classes
Fri Sep 17 17:54:33 2004 [Chris Lamal 1970]:
Hey, Fred, I'm all up for trashing my apartment. We could do a
Hurricane Ivan party. How about scheduling another NYC reunion
Thanksgiving weekend (Friday and/or Saturday?) It would give all you
out of town guys the bonus of being able to see the Macy's Thanksgiving
Day Parade live and in person! We could even have an ice skating party
at the Rockefeller Center skating rink!! What say ye all? All classes
Fri Sep 17 17:15:57 2004 [Paul McCullough 1970]:
Fred, just to let you know I'm 'down the shore' showin' Ivan the door.
I'm at Avalon NJ, just above Cape May. The rain and wind hasn't started
yet but the weather guys say this thing is out of here by Sat pm/Sun
am. Was down here for Charlie last month - lota rain,no wind. Hope all
is safe with you.
Fri Sep 17 14:07:23 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Glad to hear you and your family are OK, Fred, even if your front porch
is not. How far in advance were you able to get to Jackson, MS, and
when will you venture back to Pensacola? I guess that would depend on
the status of your abode...hope the damage is not too severe. No
offense to the Sunshine State, but I have officially crossed it off my
list of retirement options.
Fri Sep 17 13:26:33 2004 [Dudek 70]: Hey
Fred. Just revisited the site and realized that you were likely to be
hit this past week. Sorry - hope you and the family are doing well.
Fri Sep 17 11:45:14 2004 [ ]: Fred, thanks
for the tip about realtors. Of course, I live in Southern California,
so the term "beachfront bargain" is a contradiction in terms of the
first order and automatically makes me suspicious. Hang in there.
Fri Sep 17 08:25:25 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Michael, just read your email. Dark humor is always in order. Beware of
realtors pushing "beachfront bargains" for awhile.
Fri Sep 17 08:19:20 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
John, my family is safe and I am writing this from Jackson, MS.
Pensacola is trashed well beyond any conception I would have had
outside of war or a rash of tornadoes. Events like this truly put
things in perspective e.g. the absolute banality of possessions vs.
lives of family and friends, priorities, our impotence vs. Nature, etc.
With that said, I feel lucky and blessed, but also would prefer no
additional "events" for awhile. For those of you in the mid-Atlantic
region: I suspect your water tables are being inundated at present by
Ivan. Give the SOB my regards and ask him where he put my front porch!
Thanks for checking John.
Fri Sep 17 08:05:38 2004 [Michael Doyle 70]:
My son is graduating from Annapolis in May. He's going to request
flight school. If he gets it, he'll be in Pensacola for at least a
year. I wonder if I can pick up some good real estate on the cheap.
Sorry, humor probably is not in order here. I also hope you and your
family and friends are OK, Fred.
Fri Sep 17 06:37:29 2004 [John Roll 1970]: much for my misinformed statement yesterday that Pensacola
appeared to avoid the "brunt" of Ivan. Here's hoping Fred Nora and all
panhandle residents, alumni or otherwise, are safe and relatively sound
today. Prayers to the 20 victims and their families. Once again, Fred,
please let us know how you're doing when able.
Thu Sep 16 12:19:42 2004 [Leighty 70]: The
Yanks, the Red Sox and Ivan all in one weekend. Coincidence? I don't
think so. I saw Don Zimmer and Bill Buckner bidding on box seats on
Thu Sep 16 11:04:01 2004 [Dudek 70]: Red Sox
and Yankees this weekend in NYC you guys. My money's on 12 Yankees
fined with 3 suspended; 10 Red Sox fined, 2 suspended, 2 unaccounted
Thu Sep 16 07:19:54 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
Hey, Fred, how are you holding up? Was glad for your sake that the
brunt of Ivan hit west of you, but it still sounds pretty heavy. Please
update us when (and if) you are able. Hang in there, buddy!
Tue Sep 14 23:06:34 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
There is a bunch of new stuff on the site. I got most of it from the
PdC library during the last June Golf outting. Still have about half to
do yet.
Mon Sep 13 07:44:55 2004 [Leighty 70]: with
or without wooden shutters, freddie?
Mon Sep 13 05:43:02 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Great Opportunity! Beautiful property and house, near water, in
Pensacola, FL. Yes, this is the town you might have overheard a snippet
of news about in recent days re. somebody or other named Ivan. Bargain
price for next 2-3 days.
Sun Sep 12 09:14:38 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Jim Barnett - Don't tease us. You are going to have to send in a
mini-reunion report WITH pictures!!!
Sun Sep 12 09:10:45 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Tom Lundy just sent in a report of a minireunion held in Madison.
Sat Sep 11 13:53:08 2004 [Jim Barnett 1975]:
We were the last class. My grandfather J E, Father John and brothers
Jerry and Andy preceded me. I live in La Crosse now and have met
Aquinas women who recounted their adventures at Campion dance weekends
from years ago.
Wed Sep 1 19:06:06 2004 [Keith Rothschild 57]:
Hello Steve Doyle! '57. Our class had a 45th reunion in 2002. Tried to
find you. Got lots of info on our class. Don't know how to email you
from this list. Please send me yours and we'll get in touch. We know
where about 80 of us are. Look forward to hearing from you.
Sat Aug 28 23:18:14 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Hey Kevin, et al, The class of 1964 reunion reports, pictures etc
are in. They did a fantastic job putting together a "Special Edition"
of the 'Ette. You can find it all in the Reunions links. More
Sat Aug 28 18:14:14 2004 [R. Stephen Doyle 1957]:
Does anyone from the class of 1957 ever show up on these pages or at
the golf tournament? If so, please send me an email. thx
Sat Aug 28 14:00:59 2004 [Keough '65]:
Certainly a lack of chatter lately. I checked the blocks under IN
PRIVATUM and I see nuthin' new for months. C'mon guys gossip up!
'course I got nothin'. Oh, here's something...I'm putting my beloved
Tacoma 4x4 up for sale & if/when I sell it, I'm buying the new
Yamaha DtXtreme IIS electronics drums, I swear!! Maybe that Campion
Geezer Band might happen after all.
Thu Aug 26 13:34:54 2004 [John Roll 1970]:
And don't forget, Fred, we did all that until 4:30 AM...why would Chris
have any problem with that? Count me in!
Thu Aug 26 04:29:42 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Can we trash Chris's apartment, drink all his libations, and eat all
his food again?
Thu Aug 19 09:25:18 2004 [leighty 70]: hah.
that expression has special significance down there... Chris and I had
dinner a week ago, and wondered if anyone out there is interested in a
fall gathering in New York. Any takers?
Thu Aug 19 08:16:19 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Keith, Pensacola escaped all but a lot of rain. Criqui, who lives in
Orlando, was hammered by Charley and is still up to his ass in
alligators (figuratively only...I hope) getting his trucking lines back
on schedule.
Thu Aug 19 08:08:48 2004 [Leighty 70]: Hey,
Freddie, how's the weather?
Wed Aug 18 12:03:22 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Hey Fred, Thanks. It IS a good habit! We had an unusual lightning storm
Friday morning which took the telco etal by surprise. For supposedly
being high on the totem pole I didn't get any serious effort afforded
to my connection until today.
I may be looking for a new totem pole!!!
Wed Aug 18 11:19:53 2004 [Fred Nora 1970]:
Good to see this site back up and functional. Even without
contributions, it has become a habit to check on messages here. Thank
you again Tom for your efforts on this website.
Thu Aug 5 19:00:55 2004 [Bill Friedrichs 1969]:
So I'm playing in a golf event last Sat. at our country club in
Hartland, Wi. It's starts with breakfast and everyone introduces any
guests they might have. The table next to me has a 4 some of 1959
Marquette High grads in town for a reunion and one of them is
introduced as Fr. Dick Rice from Minneapolis. Well sure as hell, it's
Mr. Rice of sophmore English 38 years later. We had a super visit, he
looked excellent and is in the process of moving to the Jesuit Retreat
House in Oshkosh. He remembered many of the guys from 69. You could
tell how very fond he was of the youthful years he spent at Campion.
I'm sure he would love to hear from old students.
Thu Aug 5 06:21:11 2004 [Matthew Micka 1974]:
I received yesterday the 1924 Campion Yearbook which I bought on Ebay.
The text confirms that it's the first yearbook, and also confirms that
Campion Hall was envisioned to be but one wing of a "grand design"
intended in total to be more than twice its already hulking size. The
book's also full of autographs from classes of '24 and '25. These guys
had great penmanship!
Mon Aug 2 06:31:43 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
this will help... the videos are at
Mon Aug 2 01:32:11 2004 [Robert Bruchs 1973]:
I have started encoding some of my 11-year-old 8mm videotapes into ASF
format. I have not compressed the video very much, so the files are
large. Unless you have broadband, you might not want to try. MS-Media
Player is required to play the .asf files. Version 9 might be required.
My upstream bandwidth is only about 250kb/s, so be patient. The videos
are of the Campion Campus in 1993. I took these videos when I stopped
in PDC on my way to the Class of '73's 20-year re-union in Delavan, WI.
The videos depict Campion in the declining years of the Lutheran
occupation, and (thankfully) before the "state" occupation. Alums from
the late 60's and 70's may recognize that The Stupay, Schlinder, and
Washburn names held their place of honor at Hoffman pool well into
1993, more than 20 years later. Ever wondered what the chapel would
sound like with a pipe organ? I’ll add more videos as I encode them.
Feel free to download and keep them if you like. If anybody else would
like to “host” the videos, (Thomas?), that would help. If anybody else
has done any encoding, I’d be interested in your suggestions.
Enjoy…there is a lot more to come…including Al DiUlio stories, as told
by Al DiUlio, videos of your old dorm room (Lucy and Xavier), and
members of the class of ’73 remembering the good old days of 31 years
ago, 11 years ago.
Thu Jul 29 11:20:15 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
P.S. I should be in the area until Tuesday.
Thu Jul 29 11:19:43 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
I'm headed to Tucson for my nieces wedding reception. Any of you guys
from Tucson
want to try and get together, leave me a note.
Wed Jul 28 10:13:34 2004 [Alan Zepp 66]:
Thanks for maintaining the site, Bob. I wish it were more active, but
then I only get on it occasionally myself.
Mon Jul 26 10:12:57 2004 [Bob Voosen 1966]:
Thanks for the heads up Al. I am on holiday in Wales until next week
but will attend to the web site when I get back. I have some new bits
to put in including a picture taken yesterday of the "Campion Rest
Home" on the southern coast of Wales here that I just happened to pass
on the road.
Mon Jul 26 09:18:50 2004 [Alan Zepp 1966]:
Sorry to note that the Class of '66 website appears to be down. Hope to
see it reappear.
Sun Jul 18 12:17:51 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Have finally tried to learn the meaning of "tiki wiki." Apparently it's
some web technique that enables collective authoring. But no, Thomas;
would rather not get that heavily involved in chronicling-- despite the
obvious popular demand.
Tue Jul 13 11:43:35 2004 [Mike Lochner 60]:
Thanks to Tom Olson, the pictures from the 2004 golf outing are posted
on the golf page. They are terrific. Check them out and get your
reservations ready for next year. We will have the hard copies at the
get together Sunday evening
Sat Jul 10 18:20:07 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Note: there is an Offenbach opera (unheard by me) titled "Tales of
Hoffman." Hope this info improves the humor-success ratio.
Sat Jul 10 16:43:34 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Thomas, I believe this is the first you've told us you speak Maori
Sat Jul 10 14:55:01 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
Would you like me to set you up with a place for "The Franzen
Chronicles" ?!
We could set it up in a TIKI WIKI format.
Sat Jul 10 14:50:29 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Well, I remember J.R.'s suggestion that a certain previous period of
silence had been induced by the guys being "horrified" at something I'd
said. I wondered if history wasn't repeating itself! OK, Thomas, you
bet. Would probably make a good title for an opera, tho', don't you
think: *Tales of Franzen*?
Sat Jul 10 14:37:22 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
No body here and I am sure no body out there made any connection of the
except you. so don't worry about it anymore.
Sat Jul 10 14:29:50 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
Hey, guys, I just noticed the possible unintended interpretation
Thursday. I hadn'[t meant to be comparing anybody with the building! I
guess we're just lucky nobody told Hoffman to get over it (chuckle).
Thu Jul 8 10:12:35 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
By the way, good to see you're still around, Jim Hartigan.
Sun Jul 4 21:05:22 2004 [john franzen 1971]:
I would have to suppose, Thomas, that this is a concept that at least
includes the notion of: "inexcusable neglect, either of a person's
necessary sustenance or of the necessary sustenance of a personified
Sat Jul 3 13:12:19 2004 [Thomas Olson 1972]:
What is SIN. Check out HallsOfCampion/Hoffman/Sin/
Sat Jul 3 02:41:14 2004 [Jim Hartigan 1971]:
Anyone know the whereabouts of that great aquatic member of 71 - Kevin
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