Campion Knights Nostalgia Guestbook

Prior Messages
Sat Dec 7 00:51:17 2024 [Thomas A Dinkins III 64]: Only went for two years, but have fond memories. Three uncles and a cousin also went there.
Mon Sep 30 19:39:07 2024 [Jim Radde, SJ 1956]: Still very much alive on 30 Sept 2024. Just moved to St. Camillus Jesuit Community
in Wauwatosa, WI. Surrounded by Packer fans.
Mon Sep 30 13:11:07 2024 [Peter C. Zylkowski 1959]: Any information or list of surviving members of the 1959 class? Mike Reagan, Mike Oleszkiewicz, Tom O'Malley were roommates.
Wed Sep 18 09:31:27 2024 [Jim Hartigan 1971]: HE passed away about three weeks ago In Omaha
Wed Sep 18 09:30:36 2024 [Jim Hartigan 1971]: Laurence P Kerrigan better remember as Fr. Kerrigan. I recall his as a good teacher and a good guy. Keep him in your prayers. Yours Jim Hartigan
Thu May 9 07:01:01 2024 [Joseph A. Smith 63]: In Memoriam: I would like to ask people who knew Joe Smith, class of 1963 to think of him and remember him as the anniversary of his death in 1964 once again comes around in the calendar year. RIP Joey. I am his "little sister" Mary.
My brother Mike graduated in 1965.
in paradisum deducant te angeli...
Mon Jan 15 18:05:58 2024 [mike lenardo 73]: Happy New Year
Thu Jun 29 01:23:14 2023 [Dennis Duffy 1974]: The best 1 ½ years of my life at Campion.
Tue Aug 2 03:00:40 2022 [Thomas Olson 1972]: You are right about that John. Unfortunately, barely anybody pays attentions to this kind of page now that we have other social media means. One exception is an inordinate amount of hackers trying to break in.
Sun Jul 10 19:49:52 2022 [John Ormsby 1971]: Oops. I am Class of 1971.
Sun Jul 10 19:49:05 2022 [John Ormsby 1972]: I think this Board needs a reboot. I am not sure how to start it. For my class, without doing a scientific study, I think we have at least 20 on Facebook. I am not sure that any post on the Campion page. Over the last year, our class has had a successful reunion in September 2021 plus a mini reunion in June 2022. I like this as a nice start to retirement
Wed Sep 1 22:12:35 2021 [Chris westendorf 68]: In looking through the obituaries I noticed that Anthony (Tony) Horn was not mentioned. He died on May 13, 2008 in Green Bay. I was his roommate during our Sophomore year in Lucey Hall. The prefects on the third floor were Mr. Scher, S. J. And Fr. Brodzeller, S.J. Since top song that year wa Sonny and Sher’s “I Got You Babe” we nicknamed them Sonny and Ssher! May Tony Rest In Peace. Requiestcat in pace! I hope I got that right.
Sat Dec 26 17:07:37 2020 [john Uhrich 1962]: Merry Christmas to all
Sat Dec 12 03:55:35 2020 [Thomas Rothschild 1967]: Hello from Portland, Oregon. I am from the Class of 1967 (almost). I say almost because I started in 1963, but I only stayed for 2 years. My parents moved from Milwaukee to Portland, Oregon, so I finished high school at the Jesuit High School in Portland. I would to hear from my classmates. When I revisited Campion in 1999, I was very disappointed.
Stay Healthy! Pray for our leaders!
Fri Sep 25 04:53:57 2020 [Tom Olson 1972]: Tom Lardner RIP 2010 May and
Jim Lardner RIP 2019 December
Fri Sep 25 01:55:51 2020 [John Uhrich 1962]: I remember Thomas Lardner I understand that he passed away
Fri Apr 24 14:52:04 2020 [Matthew Micka 1974]: Does anyone remember M. Thomas Lardner ('61) and/or James Michael Lardner ('64)? I'm friends with their nephew Michael Lardner.
Wed Dec 25 08:28:39 2019 [Hugh Toner 75]: May all of your joy Peace this Christmas Season and through the New Year. A thought fro the New Year: Believe in yourself and that through kindness we can all change the world.
Tue Dec 24 16:37:39 2019 [Chris westendorf 1968]: I’ve read this site for a number of years and it brings back memories good and bad keep it up and great job Tom. Merry Christmas and happy new year to all of us.
Wed Oct 2 07:34:51 2019 [John Uhrich 1962]: Took a trip down memory lane
Sad to see the place as jail
I was amaized to see how the town has grownkk
Fri Jun 14 02:55:49 2019 [john Uhrich 1962]: RIP Pat Bowlen
Thu May 16 16:08:04 2019 [Steven Leeker 1969]: I am interested in attending the 50th reunion in Chicago. Where and when?
Wed Mar 13 16:41:51 2019 [Barton 1941]: My father Raymond T. Barton is class of 1941 and as of March 2019 is 95 years old. He was reminiscing and wondering how many other Campion alums are still out there. Please email me so I can pass on to him.
Robert K Barton
Fri Mar 8 07:16:44 2019 [Joe Williamson 1972]: Was great getting together with some esteemed Campion guys who came to our mother's funeral earlier this week. Bill Friedricks (Class of 1969), Bill Gillette, (Class of 1970), Dan (Animal) Lipke & Tim Dickey (Class of 1972)were in attendance.
Sun Jan 20 12:37:17 2019 [Mike Kelly 1958]: Peter Asmuth,
I lived on Hilton Head Island for about 40 years. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! My wife unfortunately passed away on the Island and I remarried and relocated to New Joisey. How's that for a change?
Mike Kelly Campion class of 1958.
Wed Jan 16 13:55:14 2019 [John Ormsby 1971]: Is this the new Privatum Campianum site
Tue Jan 1 12:27:29 2019 [David Florence 1948]: How many of you guys are still alive out there?
Don't miss my new book "The Eleventh Commandment, by Dr. David Trucker", my pen name. Take tranquilizer before reading.
Mon Dec 31 09:43:14 2018 [Peter Asmuth 1970]: Greetings to all. My wife and I have retired to the Hilton Head, South Carolina area. If any Knights are in the area for vacation or otherwise and would enjoy a round of golf, give me a call at+15419532112.
Wed Dec 26 12:10:53 2018 [Mike Grosko 1977]: Merry Christmas to all Campion Knights everywhere - and of every year - and best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous new year. A special thanks to Tom Olson and all contributors for continuing to keep this site, as well as the Campion Forever e-newsletter, updated and ongoing. May God grant blessings and eternal peace to all the Knights who departed this past year to their reward and final reunion.
Sun Dec 23 17:16:39 2018 [Hugh Toner 75/76]: First of all, I would like to thank you again for all the hard work and dedication that you have shown in keeping up this website as well as the newsletter. I for one truly enjoy them appreciate all your efforts.
Perhaps it is my age, or the time of year but I always feel drawn to checking out the website at this time of the year. In my home parish, there is a visiting Jesuit.One Sunday after mass I was talking to him and mention that I was an alum of Campion. He looked at me and asked, “was it as fabulous as they say it was?”
It is times like these, so they have to more than 40 years I think to myself, “Yeah, I guess it was”.
In any event, I want to wish all the other Knights and their loved ones the piece of the Christmas season and God is blessing in the New Year.
Sun Dec 23 17:00:54 2018 [Thomas Olson 1972]: Well, at the end of 2018 we have had only 155 valid and legitimate messages since January 2012. That is an average of about 22 messages per year. I am not sure if this service is worth maintaining. This service has automagically rejected an average of about 4300 attempts per year to leave illegitimate messages / spam.
Number of Messages: 31
Archived Messages - (January 2012 - December 2018)
Archived Messages - 2011 (January - December)
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Archived Messages - 2005 (January - July)
Archived Messages - 2004 (July - December)
Archived Messages - 2004 (January - June)
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Archived Messages - <=2000